Frage von julius_karli:
I try just a movie (pal: 16:9) from final cut to a MiniDV cassette to get. the film is without any compression from AE output.
final cut only breaks from constantly, due to "aborted ett / ptv - dropped frames
when I use the video in the timeline to render, then nothing happens - because the final cut video synonymous with no probs playing "color on the video is GRAY.
how can I get the video for "print to video" to render?
danke - liebe grüße
Antwort von TiMovie:

? Just read - think your data is too high?
Antwort von julius_karli:

In the General tab, deselect the "Report dropped frames during playback" checkbox.
this is probably the most stupid - simply suppress the error message - and then about every 20th frame on the Mini are ...
in this post, I was already - but nothing is helpful with this!
Antwort von TiMovie:

You forgot your Filmsche exported from AE uncomprimiert?
My recommendation would be:
your movie in DV Pal Export - this on a new timeline and re-set "Cut to tape"
If everything does not help - read manual - exactly the same with me I've already synonymous night around the ears beaten!
Antwort von julius_karli:
You forgot your Filmsche exported from AE uncomprimiert?
yes, I - because - even in apple ProRes codec you just remember quality loss (specifically: I have red colored scenes - and they are very Miess)
but there must be a way to unkompr. final cut of material on tape to get
Antwort von RickyMartini:
You forgot your Filmsche exported from AE uncomprimiert?
yes, I - because - even in apple ProRes codec you just remember quality loss (specifically: I have red colored scenes - and they are very Miess)
but there must be a way to unkompr. final cut of material on tape to get TiMovie has everything already said.
Since Final Cut Pro is obviously no direct / liquid output through the timeline as Firewire support, you will probably project as a DV PAL 16:9 and then render to the DV device must spend.
Either the system is too slow (HDD or CPU or both) to the uncompressed data stream for the DV program and output signals, or Final Cut Pro jat generally a problem with the output to DV.
The image quality will suffer this logically (5:1 compression with significantly reduced color). An output to a file as umkomprimiertes video quality, however s.der should not change.
Uncompressed video on DV tape to get is a thing of the Unmöglichlkeit! Take better the manual and get over the rendering and the export opportunities clever (RTFM).
Antwort von julius_karli:

thx in any case for your contributions.
I now just try a new sequence in Final Cut Pro need to be included in the settings has dv-pal - and put the uncompressed file there inside ...
now renders it gets - and then I will spend.
lg julius
Antwort von mov:

Final Cut Pro needs to output to tape of uncompressed material, all in real time DV PAL conversions. Since the previous can render to DV PAL even achieve improvements in quality.
Antwort von julius_karli:

So, what is now the best (best quality) to uncompressed material variation on MiniDV to get?
Is it better with a codec like AppleProRes (HQ) to work, or is it still better than the material is DV-Pal 100% quality compression ..
or perhaps MJPEG?
Antwort von RickyMartini:

A (Mini) DV tape gets no man on earth ever uncompressed video footage! ;)
The computer system (Konsumervariante) 5:1 compression.
Render after DV PAL 16:9 out and play on the result of DV.
Make it simple or try different variations.
From whatever source derived on the video material?
Antwort von julius_karli:

The video footage comes from a HV20 1080i
(forgot the 1080i material but in a Pal16: 9 composition in AE, since I shot and the image in AE make)
BUT: Screening as festivals need a MiniDV tape with PAL - and since then the whole movie in the running, I like the best quality, which is possible on earth;)