Frage von geid00r:
I have a MacBook Pro with 2.16 GHz, 2 GB Ram and Final Cut Pro 5
Today I have video footage of a JVC GY-DV5000 get normal DV resolution, 25 frames / sec.
Already at the chart of the raw material in the Picture Viewer starts after a short time s.schrecklich to rückeln and will back out after getting worse. The settings for the previews are already on, quality: low (fast).
I can not explain this Phanömen because Apple has much lower system requirements and indicates my MacBook Pro to create the loose I think.
Ich hab mir mal memory usage during the jerky playback of the raw material viewed, both the memory as synonymous of the CPU to remain at a normal level, CPU 10-20%, memory, so about 300 MB.
Yes I would understand that it is jerky when the CPU and the memory would be fully utilized, but is not so ...
Has anyone ever had these problems?
Thank you in advance for tips!
Antwort von waritta:

Constellation Same hardware, same problem. already found solutions?
Antwort von HeikoS:

Viewer / Canvas, however, have to "adjust s.Fenstergröße", right?
Antwort von Dragon:

It jerky no preference in what size canvas or viewer are set. Strangely seems the same clip in Quiktime player Rückel to be less than if I have it in Final Cut Pro reflected.
Reinstall of Final Cut Pro?
Antwort von PowerMac:

What Final Cut Pro version?
Antwort von Nio:

I know (at least of Win XP, the CPU load of Apre never goes above 50%. The whole is either a full processor core, or both, half / half.
I know synonymous, embracing the whole hangs together with Windooof (somewhere in the Regitstry, but do not ask me where (tell me dear, I forgot habs :-()
If Mac OS X Microskopisches of brain combs, then I would say that the whole hangs together so.
But for Apple ... no idea, only I use an iMac G3 for surfing.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Interesting, but nothing with the problem.
Antwort von cstuder:

Already done all the updates? Final Cut Pro is only but the latest version on Intel processors optimized.
Then try to delete the Preferences / Trash. There is a small free tool that will do: Attic (
Antwort von PowerMac:

Even better:
Antwort von waritta:

Did all the fixes made for the new universal binary version. gehoflen then the above bechriebene "rescue Final Cut Pro 5" since läufts again.
Thank you