Frage von ephoxin:
I've only dealt with DV material and therefore very satisfied with my standard equipment: Power Mac G5 and Final Cut Studio (Final Cut Pro 5). Have only DV Ein-/Output.
Now we have to DigiBeta rotated. Since I can not zuspielen this material, my colleague, my tapes on its digital media 100 to an external hard drive and given me this along with the Media 100 codec.
Codec installed, imported material with no problems in my program.
So, here is my question: can I create with it is only Firewire port, the picture on my monitor? Normally, I loop over my Canon XM-1 on the monitor, which is not now works.
Sound (synonymous about DV) is easy, the picture jerky but strong.
The sequence settings I have adjusted s.Media 100, the left AV equipment settings on Firewire - "I display on computer, I checked, otherwise it only shows Stillimage on my monitor.
Thank you in advance and greetings,
Antwort von tokko:

you can only dv cam via firewire to push - for other codecs you gotta get a special card or your Media100 material to dv convert to an offline and then cut with Media100 back online.
Antwort von ephoxin:

Hello Tokko,
thanks for the quick reply!
Thus, my hopes are crushed;)
Thanks for the alternative-trick!
I'll try that.
Antwort von PowerMac:

That's impossible.
Without video card anything goes ...