Frage von franka2:
I hope someone can help here!
I have HDV material recorded with a Canon XHA1.
and capture with Final Cut Pro
has problems but substantial! It seems that the tapes (recorded in Mongolia in 2010) is damaged. some are extremely large number of dropped frames or dropped seconds (up to 20 seconds unusable material)
've tried with different capture device and computer. always the same.
funny is only the process with progressive capture of the computer is becoming increasingly sensitive and there are always more exposure. final cut then creates a new clip. only were all the 2 per tape now I'm at 28!
if I let the material be as, say in the player without capture, it is not so bad.
s.der camera may not have lain as it was recorded with two cameras and the problem is on tapes of the two.
may be that the tapes have become dusty.
I can tuen to save my material. is about 20 tapes.
or it is but s.was else?
thank you for answering each
Antwort von rainermann:

Can Final Cut at least once set so that it generates with no outs new clips, but all writes 1-1 in a file. 'm On the road, you can not say grad, where's sets, but there's the option.
Antwort von franka2:

hello thank you yes that is known to me, and the function is already off!
but still he makes new clips. the missed material are not only frames but a few seconds. anyone still n tip.
Gibts ne way how to clean tapes.
all I have taken with the camera eye is ok then.
Antwort von Jott:

Dusty Tapes? I fear that your material is over. You could even try a different player, Canon camcorders are extremely bitchy.
But if you say that it is getting worse: Importing as well as possible, and walk home with the pieces that have been saved.
Final Cut Pro will only accept defect-free material, which is so sensible. iMovie is no preference on the other hand, you can even try synonymous times.
Antwort von Vonell:

Once you've tried the device control to "non-controllable device"
to make (Log and Capture - capture settings).
You have to be the player or the camera of hand exit.
There is then no longer connected with the Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Pro is no preference
what are you recording anything.
Antwort von franka2:

hi yes I've already made, it makes tzotzdem new clips ... what is striking still, s.meinem mac book make the tapes more muck, so when i mac with more computing power less.
but at beden be a few seconds just skipped and was pretty quick, quicker than in real time as such would cut out the