Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Final Cut Pro disproportionately represented at Oscar night
Antwort von rettungssani:

And with what editing system was the Oscar winner "The hurt locker" cut?
Correct! With the Avid Media Composer of.
Just like
all the other nominees in the Editor:
Avatar - Setting out for Pandora (kreativschnitt with Avid MC)
"District 9"
Inglourious Basterds
So much relating to above-average presence. In the Documentary Feature and Documentary Short, this may indeed be true, but not otherwise. The next time So choose a better / different heading!
Antwort von Flashlight:

Totally unnecessary discussion, just as synonymous of articles does not say anything at all. If one now looks forward to the conclusion that a certain presence, a system qualifies as a particularly outstanding one can conclude that the synonymous Picture Newspaper Magazine is the best?
AVID will cost around 2000 ¬ for an editing system.
For the half to get FCS package, which covers virtually the entire post-production. Thus, each set its priorities ...
Reminds me somehow s.eine Talk to assess where a clock after the Swiss watchmaker, which were produced with milling machine, the cogs. Not for me to understand ...
Antwort von rettungssani:

Hello flashlight,
Talkshow course, this is unnecessary. I can not only understand this hype about Final Cut Pro. It is only an editing program! Better for some tasks, others worse than the competitors.
In Prinizip it is no preference which is cut, so long as the end result of the customer or a conviction in this case the jury. But Apple could even releasing original ne scissors for cutting the video files and half the world would fall in wonder and awe on their knees ...
Antwort von Axel:
If one now looks forward to the conclusion that a certain presence, a system qualifies as a particularly outstanding one can conclude that the synonymous Picture Newspaper Magazine is the best. You have not taken care of
Sesame Street, as it was said that
one of these things does not belong to the other ... A Comparison of the
Picture with
time as is indeed possible. But the higher edition of the former only implies that the
S mall-c o-V ielfache (flower power Mathematics Set Theory inspired, of Kermit and Big Bird), more points (we had smarties in elementary school) accumulates as the
G-rößte c o-N Jenner ( "some" wins over "red").
AVID will cost around 2000 ¬ for an editing system. The Avid editing costs for
space-like avatar with certainty many times. The 2k Intermedaite (source: imdb) is proprietary to Avid container (industrial standardized, compulsory standards for the production line, stable), and the editor edits the play order for timecode. More than that he does not need to do, because (Credited to the extent of an independent short film), the entire postpro do tiring many external temporary workers would be better at largely unnamed boxes and systems.
For the half to get FCS package, which covers virtually the entire post-production. Thus, each set its priorities ... I doubt that a high-end editing suite of the two systems differ in cost terms would remain large. FCS also has so much Homemade (Quicktime container for
all codec, ProRes), but there are probably mostly small to midsize indie productions that want to keep manageable the complete workflow, with FinalCut as vigilant spider in the center. As for Avid's proprietary treatment of your footage ensures stability, but it's just more in-house doable.
This distinction can possibly take roughly, with rettungssani.
Antwort von Alf_300:

Blackmagic makes AVATAR synonymous with advertising, will be there this time was probably Apple's Final Cut, Final Cut seems to be an exception, otherwise we would have certainly not mentioned -;)
Antwort von pixler:

@ Alf_300
No, because we went not to FinalCut but about the DaVinci color grading system.
Antwort von Valentino:

As if that were so important with which system was cut.
The news sounds like almost as if someone here s.als Money of Apple would get for viral marketing.
Here's a little info s.Rande, with Final Cut Pro and MC is performed only the Kreativschnitt. In principle, a kind of offline editing, but can, thanks to the various HD codecs like DNxHD and ProRes already look very neat.
No. of the above Programs are seriously eingestzt for a film master.
To do the final mastering to film / hard drive of the film will be cut again assembled in a special share compositing program (AVID Symphony, DaVinci 2k, etc.), a Light and Color correction performed and then played out as 2K/4K dpx sequence.
Antwort von brainy:

If you look at the sales mix of Final Cut Pro s.Apple overall look-and white, think like listed companies, then it looks a little dark with innovation from at & Future of Final Cut Pro.
Avid does just that
Sowas helps the product sometimes.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Final Cut Pro was used in the shooting oscarnominierten synonymous online, not offline. Why synonymous? The starting material is almost entirely digital video. Docu same.
Antwort von Valentino:
Final Cut Pro was used in the shooting oscarnominierten synonymous online, not offline. Why synonymous? The starting material is almost entirely digital video. Docu same. I'm sorry Patrick, you can take me even to believe that nobody will constitute a serious 2k master mastering on a Final Cut Pro.
Question, but at times so companies like ARRI, and Moving Images in the work for which suites them with mastering a movie.
The terms online and offline in recent years have become somewhat redundant, as the traditional SD cut off, thanks to powerful computers, large memory and low-cost NLEs actually belongs to the past.
Still to be cut precisely at the documentation section in a lossy codec, because the editors want to access like at home, and always cut on the entire raw material.
As you would with just under 100 hours hoarding raw materials already at DVCProHD nearly 6TB s.Daten. From memory required by an uncompressed editing here I did not even begin.
36MBit DNxHD codec in a commercial 1.5 TB would be quite sufficient.