Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Test: Final Cut Studio 2 - Apple Motion 3 of rudi - 22 Jun 2007 11:56:00 The new Final Cut Studio 2 brings numerous improvements with detail, all the size of a single article would be. For this reason let us test our first glance at the new Motion 3, which is once more a simple interface with powerful compositing features from the professional field connects.
Antwort von TinoMac:

Can only agree with the article, have Motion 3 times on a MacBook Pro the first generation with a ATI1600 with 256 MB getest and the program runs correctly flot.
That with the 3D, I have not really, it should not be possible for Apple's 3D Music Album nachzubasteln advertising? I have not tried it yet but that I could but, for example, a cuboid with individual photographs can tinker. I ask because I think Mac and motion at the moment not available.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Klar geht das! I already have a lot of 3D objects in motion built. I was coherent at the first contact,