Frage von bengodinero:
hello everybody!
I have again. I need a white flash as Aperture and in text and suppression. the premiere was always an additive hide in the final cut does not. anyone has an idea, or someone knows how I animate text, it flickers and then flick?
Many thanks for your help
Antwort von dietzemichi:

turn away but s.die jungs un mädels ausm final cut forum here who know the intended;)
Antwort von Puno:

where there is a final cut forum?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Google: "final cut forum.
Antwort von dietzemichi:

if you look at the forums anschaust home, you will quite quickly under mac / final cut can be found:)
Antwort von Markus:
if you look at the forums anschaust home, you will quite quickly under mac / final cut can be found:) Thread moved there. Perhaps logs still someone who knows the answer or at least an accurate matching can offer.
by moderator