Frage von Phybo:
Right now I think it always like this:
I cut it all out in Premiere, which I would in later films have not.
Also do I adjust the cut evnt. s.The Music s.usw.
Now I would like to fit some matching effects.
For this I use After Effects.
So I copy the movie track in Premiere and add them back into After Effects.
- Install> Effects.
So far I have only smaller movies of maybe max. Half an hour made.
There was then synonymous only to see the maximum effects. Lasted 2 minutes.
Thus, the "lossless" Exporting a movie from AE was a small problem.
Dateigrößte: 1 to 3 GB.
But there are settings where an effect, or the post-process the film is 1 hour.
The "lossless" Exporting is therefore almost impossible because the video file is extremely large.
Is there any way to the film material does not need to export?
I had imagined it so that you can run in the background, perhaps AE who handled bodies again fits into Premiere and then finally exported MPEG 2.
Without these very intermediate step that you must first export to AE.
Since there must be irgenteine possibility that the people come synonymous with less than 500GB memory to enjoy high-definition video compression and must not already in AE and then into Premiere again.
Can you help me?
Antwort von LuFaHa:

I'm sorry, I had the same problem synonymous (though I still had allerdins with 2 terabytes of memory). In my opinion, would s.Workflow between AAE and APP are still a lot done. The function required of you is I would also like to welcome, as I now just going through the loss of rendering AAE projects went, which is memory intensive and time consuming.
In my proposal a "central" Render mitzuliefern Center would be in where the actual rendering. In all other stages, you could use compressed movie for preview purposes. The passing of beabeiteten film data could then be done in a batch-type format. Say a small file that you imported into Premiere, and all the data, effects, etc. from the former contains AAE Project. So no further addition to the final rendering is necessary.
So far there are only wishes, but Adobe certainly increase next in the upcoming versions of the workflow. And in the "Creative Suite" there is not already stichwortsuche Programs, which are included to allow better cooperation on the individual Programs (: file organization).