Frage von sucseven:![](
I am on the search for an effective ...
have a record where three people about 10 minutes quite still stand. I let the whole fast and in the background running around and people are driving cars ... now I wish to make an effect achieved by the rear lights of cars or tracks move like a long exposure of a photographic recording mid camera.?
what is there for premiere or who has an idea?
greet and thank in advance
Antwort von burito:
I believe in the effects at times -> echo
Antwort von rauchschwein:
if I understand correctly, you want a kind of ghost effect.
versuch it look like this:
increases the speed of your film, render it, then you add in your project an AND make him slower. This has me very well worked.
Antwort von wadik:
or try it out the Ghost effect or with motion blur motion blur so maybe could be the swing ....
Antwort von Waran:
ok thanks for the tips to the test times with ghosting, I have already tested it from the skin out, unfortunately not ... with the rendering is the fact that it had material is:) but I come so and so is not around so I will try synonymous times
danke grüße