Frage von asas:
Hello experts,
I am looking for ideas and opinions after.
I do not concern myself with very long video cut and DVD authoring. I'm only here for about 4 years.
I describe my situtation.
I would like to create and animate very extensive DVD menu.
What I know so far is DVD Architect 3 of Sony.
I would be happy to encourage my butter in the menu as long as the "Markiereung" over them when in the DVD player will play.
But as long as the "marker" does not point to the desired button I want an other animation.
Hatt someone anregungen for me, or tell me Iddee or can be a package?
Antwort von grovel:

Hmm, now without a DVD-known architect to time I say that's not a problem likely to be.
In Adobe Encore you'd have to proceed as follows.
You must create a separate menu for each button, but the menus all look the same, except that the content of the respective button moves (in Encore to be an animated background) are created.
Then, the respective buttons with links to their menu, and not the movie with her on the show, plus they get assigned to the property to activate marker at once.
Unlike, of course, in each case moving the button that you need to associate with the film and remove the property for immediate activation.
That sounds like handicraft, but not as bad times. AFAIK, there is no software that you decline the work. For this is a request is made only of advanced users, and the higher the requirements s.ein DVD authoring program, the more "Selbstbastelfunktionen" and automation functions are outsourced.
SeeYa grovel
Antwort von asas:

Thanks for the reply I understood 100%.
DVD Architect is just tinkering it themselves.
Have synonymous few tricks for me as you can tinker a cool menu?
My favorite trick is "GIF" and what tricks do you have?