Frage von LumpiieOne:
FireWire card in, my PC crashes!
I hope you have good tips or ne good solution:)
My firewire card!
The PC is made
I close on the map
Make your PC again
He rides high up in the taskbar at the bottom said:
"New hardware has been found," OHCI IEEE 1394 (halt the map) "
---> Then he just shits off!
I have the card s.den slot placed where it was my network card before. The end is synonymous. The other PCI slots I have tested synonymous. Passier the same!
Nich'm stupid, got the card s.nem other PC tested: it works!
No problem!
Service Pack? 2 is not on it!
What can I do?
Hat wer ne Idee?
Note: I have the forum durchgesucht, nothing found.
"googled" I've synonymous:)
Nothing useful found, I ask for HELP!
LG Lumpiie
Antwort von Ralf S.:

Possibly. is the memory clock speed of memory access or other settings in the BIOS on the motherboard set to grab it while all other components, but not the card.
I had similar problem once with a memory card, which was a few years older than board and memory.
Antwort von Ralf S.:

must mean, of course:
... similar problem once with a graphics card ....
Antwort von Martin:

When a Driver is, I would install the first and only then the card. Already been tried?
Antwort von LumpiieOne:

Happy new year,
I unfortunately do not have any drivers for the card and on their website, I have found not synonymous, alternative?
To the BIOS, what can this transition since I great that the timing is different?
Greetings Lumpiie!
Antwort von flo 1:

times have you ever tried the card in the pc to make and of one another Windows partition.
You have two computers? Then let your pc as it is to start building the hard drive of your second computer and one of the.
We'll see what happens
Antwort von LumpiieOne:

that would ne möglichekit,
I must mean a pladde then only newly mitm sys. , play on because there currently is none druff. If he again formatted before the install, then the calculator will crash. S problem, too:)