Frage von schubidu:
I have a Fujitsu Siemens Scaleo 600 and s.der front page is a fire-wire connection. someone has the same pc, or can someone tell me how to recognize how much has the pin connection?
you would be terribly grateful:)
tschaui christiane
Antwort von Kurt:

Hi Chris!
There are only two forms. Small almost full square 4-pin Male.
Flat shape, such as USB-fat times with a rounded narrow side 6 poles.
Antwort von lumpi:

: Hi Chris!
: There are only two forms. Small almost full square 4-pin Male.
: Fat flat shape, such as USB-times with a rounded narrow sides 6-pin.
price of a 4-4, 6-6 or 4-6 cable about ¬ 1.85 - 2.55 ¬ (, 1.8 m or 3 m)