Frage von VolcomBrot:
Hi All,
've got some time on my new Pc, and with whom I'd finally my movies via Firewire aufn draw Pc.
Problem: When I bought that I still had my old pc, and the motherboard has no PCI untersützt, my new already.
So is it theoretically possible that I can install anyway? Do not know how it all works.
Details: Firewire card: Sitecom Firewire Desktop Kit of which should be 1.5 years old.
Unfortunately, no further data are available. Only the S / N number.
Gigabyte S-series motherboard M61PME-S2P
4 GB Ram
Win Vista Home Premium 64-bit, Sp2
AMD X4 2.4 GHz
Nvidia 9800 GT (1024 MB)
External hard drive with another 300 GB free. Internally, too small (50 Gb free)
If I need more of those matters, I have no idea, then just ask, I'll do my best to answer them. :)
Thank you in advance,
[edit] Here's a Picture
Antwort von Alf_300:

Treasure map that once you have Hauptplstine 2 PCI (white) HSAT and you put them in a comment, FW, then you may have to start the Drivers CD insert, but probably not here to bring Windows drivers already.
Antwort von Markus73:

Well, quite simple: The new PC has no ISA slots, of why it is not possible to install the card. For the cost of a new card (10 to 20 euros) which should also mean no great drama.
Antwort von Markus73:
Treasure map that once you have Hauptplstine 2 PCI (white) HSAT and you put them in a comment, FW No, because there is no PCI card.
Antwort von Markus73:

Ok, sorry, I take everything back, I had misunderstood it.
It IS a PCI card, so no problem, sorry for the confusion.
Antwort von Alf_300:

If an ISA card is designed so that it in the trash and a new one for 15 euros.
Antwort von VolcomBrot:

Sad answer, but honestly:)
When you purchase the Saturn I had not said that we vllt my pc pci untersützt not, it is still a? had never in there in my old pc.
or characteristics can be seen on the outer?
Antwort von Markus73:

The picture after it looks like PCI, should thus fit the card. What's on the box? ISA is really a very long time dead
Antwort von VolcomBrot:

My old pc was synonymous almost a veteran:)
Unfortunately, due to the old packaging is no longer there.
If I drüberlade cramming and drivers should be wicked problems occur when it does not work? (soft / hardware moderate)
But aufjedenfall schonmal THANK answer!, super fast:)
Antwort von Markus73:

If the card (mechanical) fits into the slot, then everything is ok! But do not forget what I've written above, it will fit!
Antwort von Alf_300:

Sure, we know the
It fits neatly into the expanded space
Because the are standardized and designed so that you reinbringt false Ksrten. (Except for graphics cards with 3.3 V should be about new Bosards not nehmrn)
Antwort von VolcomBrot:

THANK YOU, if it works, I sign up ^ ^ if it does not synonymous then: ....* reply) ...... real fast staun *
Antwort von nicecam:

Are überpurzelnde answers!
VolcomBrot: For your signature of your choice:
Antwort von Alf_300:

I'm excited synonymous, but does nothing, twice gemoppelt is better than one.
(ISA card as Firewire, the joke of the day)
Antwort von VolcomBrot:

Mh, ne was no attempt at fraud or the like:) just the org. text anscheind not had quite the head. The next time I use copy + paste:) And thanks for the hint!
a little patience:)
Antwort von VolcomBrot:

na super, the driver untersützt the betribsseystem not ..... any ideas?
Antwort von Alf_300:

When looking for a suitable Sitecom Drivers, but for that you need to know the type (FW1001 ect.)
Antwort von Meggs:
na super, the driver untersützt the betribsseystem not ..... any ideas? In yet another Web search for drivers that supports the operating system,
Antwort von Alf_300:

VISTA should really have a suitable driver
Antwort von VolcomBrot:

prob solved or so: (
on the side which had in fact not gefunzt before, which I was looking for maximum untersà win 2000 / Me
---> New map I'm ....................:)
Antwort von Alf_300:

If there are no drivers w2k nsch more then, because the already built into Windows.
So Show Rauss windows start and stop again, card back in.
Perhaps incidentally schaun whether a Texas Instrumrnts or VIA chip on it is
Antwort von nicecam:

VolcomBrot: Oh, now, did you take something else. And - bumms - the quotes have it synonymous in itself. But I can categorize things. And let yourself unsure of me naked.
By the way, to your first choice signing, with my link, I did not want to give you your search easy.
Some of my posts you can not just take it so serious, I'll try to improve myself quite a bit small.
No offense ;-)
So many replies in so little time! VolcomBrot, you're a lucky girl!
Sorry for my other Offtopics ...
Antwort von VolcomBrot:

times to try:)
Nicecam had already fairly with the sig ^ ^ as they say?
who is not quoted correctly jmd deprived of his thought:)
hey I'm excited of the amount s.nachrichten;) THX again ^ ^ s.alle
so go down pc .....
Antwort von VolcomBrot:

Now times have the PCI slot next to use the synonymous now has an installed device driver software of a VIA schlagmichtot 1994 or so, remember that it will be ma,
Caput: Test n ° 1 ...
Antwort von VolcomBrot:

Great ... now he has recognized the card, but he does not recognize the Cam
* it is s.and on reproducing
neither virtualdub, pc or the movie maker .... oda because I do not know i was wrong?
Antwort von Alf_300:

The CAM must change round in the first place in the Control Panel, or run Nix
Many cams have to be s.Netzteil
Antwort von VolcomBrot:

is ne Panasonic NV-GS17, which with the power supply I have ever thought synonymous to me but was postponed until tomorrow because I have lost the cable of charger to camera.
Will try out tomorrow times.
The VolcomBrot