Newsmeldung von slashCAM: First PCIe interface card for the new G5 PowerMacs of rudi - 2 Nov 2005 18:06:00 The new AJA Kona LHe of the first PCIe capture card, which you can buy for the new G5 Power Macs. (A PCI interface card for the PC is the way we do not even know. Thanks), and from analog SDI-Ein/Ausgängen, which covers synonymous include any HD format, this card is actually using every conceivable area of a video place. Support will be provided in addition to Final Cut Pro, After Effects and Combustion synonymous. Cost is the all-rounder 1800 euro. Likely only to annoy the Mac owners who already have a lot of money put into PCI-X cards, because they are now no longer be supported of Apple ...
Antwort von Pixler:

And what about the Decklink Extreme PCIe?
Antwort von Olli:

Only you can buy just yet.
That is a big problem with Black Magic. So many interesting product announcements, so little actually available.
DE Extreme PCIe is a pure way, SD Card.
Even Aurora Video Systems (my Fav.) Builds s.PCIe.