Newsmeldung von slashCAM:First Try - Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended for video editing of rudi - 28 Mar 2007 15:41:00 > We did not yet have the new Production Suite in the fingers, however, already had a look at the beta version of Photoshop CS3 Extended raise, among other things, now synonymous rotoscoping-opportunities.
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Antwort von rakzak:

Sounds pretty cool. synonymous if I still prefer this functionality in AE would get integrated than in photoshop. (The timeline looks like anyway so after effects ..)
Is it because with the extended-version synonymous ordinary photo editing without the time-bar, or you have to have a normal synonymous photoshop buy?
Antwort von tinitron:

Is this a bad joke? The 1 April, but only in not quite a week. What should s.diesen functions and particularly the Clone rotoscoping new or better than it already in the current After Effects is implemented? And in After Effects, I can still synonymous each stroke individually edit and animate.