Newsmeldung von slashCAM: First benchmarks of Intel's Conroe chips of rob - 9 Mar 2006 08:07:00 AnadTech could accomplish at a trade show a first performance test of future Intel Conroe chips, which are with dual core clocked at 2.6 Ghz. Compared to a comparably equipped AMD-based calculator showed a 20% increase in speed. Although the test systems of Intel have been made available - but seemed not to be specially prepared. The Conroe chip will be synonymous in new PowerMac höchstwahrschenlich perform his duties. Intel hopes Conroe with the lost years ago s.AMD top speed to be able to reclaim crown.
Antwort von schwenkerfilm:

though one must of course note that BOTH test systems, so the amd-intel and the system of intel-together and were made available.
Of the ArsTechnica to hannibal: