Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: First pictures of SonyNEX-FS100 (NXCAM 35)
Antwort von Bernd E.:

More photos with a view inter alia to the top, where are synonymous the audio settings, here:
Antwort von abrar:

What no one has noticed: The camera is also able to record in MPEG2 AVCHD synonymous. This is shown on the label of the camera on the Still Image:
All too nice (but not too likely) it would be if Sony - wieCanonin some of his new video cameras - an MPEG-2, 50 Mbps, 4:2:2 codec would use. The Panasonic would be the absolute killer AF101.
I think the way that the perceived price of under ¬ 4,730 is not able to materialize and are more of the previously circulating price of ¬ 7500 will turn out.
Antwort von JossJoss5000:

Well, the time seems to be like .... different ... from.
But well, if it does its job.
but no internal ND filter ....
Antwort von abrar:

Another very useful feature of the new NEX-FS100 to the Panasonic AF101:
The NEX-FS100 has a built-in GPS sensor, as shown on the Still Image:
Thanks for the link to s.Bernd E. Other images on HD Warrior.
Antwort von xandix:
What no one has noticed: The camera is also able to record in MPEG2 AVCHD synonymous. This is shown on the label of the camera on the Still Image:
This is just MPEG2 SD.
So standard definition.
Like other NXCAM's synonymous ....
So no reason to be happy ....
Antwort von abrar:

Thanks for info, too bad - only SD!
Antwort von krokymovie:
The camera is also able to record in MPEG2 AVCHD synonymous. This is shown on the label of the camera on the Still Image:
if you look closely, behind the bezeihnung MPEG2, the nondescript two letters "SD".
this is probably your dream of XDCAM HD422 format can burst.
noso cheap sony cam with a real professional format will throw in the market.
a "Panasonic AF101 Killer" it is anyway.
already twice the size of the 35mm sensor with its only 3.5 megapixel motion.
this is not from a photo-clippers, as the AF 101 4 / 3 chip,
has to be scaled down internal.
I just hope that that will have an HD-SDI output nex s.bord.
Antwort von headroom:

Available with and without Optics
Only 1 card slot for the flash with dockable recorder
Specifications Camera Section Detail:
Minimum Illumination 12:28 lx (1 / 30 shutter, IRIS F1.4, Auto GAIN)
USA Car: 1/60-1/2000, 30p: 1/30-1/2000, 24p: 1/48-1/2400 Manual: 60i/30p/60p: 1 / 3 - 1 / 10000 24p: 1 / 3 - 1 / 10000 / Europe 50p possible
LANC 2.5mm type
Built-in LCD Monitor 3.5-inch type, XtraFine LCD, approx. 921.600 dots (1920 x 480), 16:9 aspect
View Finder VF Suppliied tube for LCD
Antwort von Filmo:

the thing has no built-in ND filters, such as the Pana 101?
Antwort von headroom:
the thing has no built-in ND filters, such as the Pana 101? No ND filter
Antwort von Filmo:

bad ... really a no go ...
Antwort von ThomasKluge:

More info:
NEX-FS100E/EK and synonymous HXR-NX70E are mentioned here.
Available s.July / September.
And here's the flyer:
Antwort von Bernd E.:

SonyPR video:
And here the first practical test of a pre-production models of the FS100: All too well Here comes the new Sony not go away.
Antwort von handiro:

interesting .... no ND filter, only HDMI .... then I'd rather 4.2.2 with 8-bit SDI
Antwort von NEEL:

Although trivial, but I think they ugly!
Somehow reminds them:
Antwort von Frank Glencairn:

Notices on one page from quite interesting, but you can clearly see that not Sonydie demand for the F3 want to endanger. No HD-SDI only HDMI, no24 FPS, etc - on the other page ...
... For 4500 Öcken still a better deal than the Panasonic Af-100.
The filters with the HD is not beautiful, but to get over because I anyway with nerve Mattebox work and have lots of filters.
The GPS would they give themselves, but I have no Alzheimer's, but I'd rather have 24 FPS.
Let's see what we can tease out from the component output, but probably synonymous only 4:2.2. 8-bit.
I still have a little something written about.
Antwort von ThomasKluge:

Cozi: 'Vertigo' Music Video with a prototype of the FS 100 SonyNEX rotated:
and associated video blog:
Antwort von ruessel:
... For 4500 Öcken still a better deal than the Panasonic Af-100. My dealer has emailed me this morning from DE: SonyNEX-FS100 price: about ¬ 6.000, - (plus tax) May s.Ende
Antwort von Frank Glencairn:

Whoops! 6000 + VAT is too much, because I prefer to wait on Red
Antwort von domain:

All too nice (but not too likely) it would be if Sony - wieCanonin some of his new video cameras - an MPEG-2, 50 Mbps, 4:2:2 codec would use. That would be the absolute killer Panasonic AF101.
Interesting that mpeg2 with higher bit rates is now suddenly seen again as soo remarkable. Delicious. With this codec you would have in the transitory period AVCHD much you can save brains in the development of native editing ability of a NLE, a lot of additional cores and synonymous energy costs.
AVCHD is a great thing, but in the receiving area unnecessary as a goiter, I've always said.
In the thread about the new Canons, I reported that even with the old Liquid even a section with this material is very possible this is of course synonymous for all other editors on older PCs.
However one reads occasionally, for example, that Magix can no longer cope well with mpeg2. If it has already come so that there appear to AVHD runs better than the old Mpeg2 ;-)
Antwort von Valentino:

Sonyversucht straight with no planning to build a competing model for the next series of RED EPIC and Scarlet, but neutered their consumer cameras with AVCHD to HDCAM-SR its totally overpriced next to bring Müllen s.den man.
By the end of the year when some will have their EPIC, will be able to buy a used R1 used for under $ 10,000 and one for the Scarlet half.
Actually, why is Sony still s.diesen horrible 8bit 4.2.0?
Even Panasonic andCanonhat its 1 / 3 "Müllen better codecs such as missed AVC-I, DVCProHD or containing an 8bit MPEP2 4.2.2 codec.
Antwort von nordheide:
SonyPR video:
And here the first practical test of a pre-production models of the FS100: All too well Here comes the new Sony not go away. ".... The only thing it has going for it is image quality, Which is marginally better than the AF101, but not quiet s.good s.Sony 's own EX1 / 3 "
Why be left for the NEX-FS100 for 6,000 net?
Antwort von domain:

Yes are viewed in retrospect some video mills actually only Müllen :-)
Antwort von Frank B.:

Hm, 6000 - Optics and ¬ without VAT, which I will not pack well financially. Perhaps Sonydas considered again and lowered the price by at least 1000, - ¬ and submit to the Sony-Optics with. Then the camera would be interesting for me.
Antwort von Tiefflieger:

Certainly an interesting camera with many options.
It is easy to criticize, who has joy s.dieser kind of Camera do not read.
1) When I look at the still image on
Antwort von headroom:

1) When I look at the still image on
Antwort von rush:

I think GPS already in my camera totally ridiculous ... : D Did not even use the feature ... Well who's hot?
But in a "semi-pro camcorder?!
Then replace but rather against an ND filter ... the missing but not really, or?
Sometimes I do not understand Sony's product policy ... And especially ergonomically seems the part is not synonymous. Where to Hold the set because if you'd like to rotate out of hand? No Henkel begrabbeln? mhh
I'm staying for now in the version camcorder for normal, everyday and separate DSLR for scenic things.
What surprised me at first glance just like the Nex-VG10 some time ago ...
Antwort von Jott:

Difficult, 6.000 EUR would be too expensive. I think a mistake, however, other sources had written 4,500 EUR, is more like it.
To get riled about GPS, but silly, just turn off. I'm not at all clear whether this is an ergonomic disaster or a not so silly concept. You have the thing probably only take it by myself in the hand.
The with the ND filter is missing, according Sonydarin justified that fits because of the extremely short back focus between None Mount and sensor. In return for this very reason one could easily almost any photo look? Connect. Nevertheless Mattebox plus ND filter set is a must. Hmnja.
Antwort von domain:
... Plus ND filter set is a must. Hmnja. The "Hmnja" is synonymous in my opinion a bit general for interchangeable lenses on the video sector, namely because of the permanent entry of dust when changing lenses. One need only look at the mirror once a used SLR, what is there for a damn on it. A real solution by Ultraschallabschüttelung I expect actually not really.
The silver film were with each image, a new fresh "sensor surface."
So I think that actually a good zoom lens, which one will change very rarely, the achievable optimum with regard to the dirt of the sensor is and i synonymous believe that professionals move in the video practice rather rare, the lens, if they have a great zoom lens available .
In contrast to photography is needed in videography that is already eliminated some tricks on a sustainable basis by a dust particle from the current image.
Antwort von Tiefflieger:
1) When I look at the still image on [url] http://Ui Ui Ui so bad ....
The Sharpness is yes in front of the car roof antenna no wonder the trees are not in the focus zone. Gray window see no problem, little is synonymous Noise.Himmel always brighter than the houses. JPEG artifacts are probably due to low compression rate of Photoshop backup xmp: creator tool> Adobe Photoshop CS4 Macintosh </ xmp> The reflection in the side window does not synonymous in much sharper.
In principle, would be on another panel and time setting, the bright light of asphalt and cars (including sky) look better.
With my camera I have in similar situations, better contrast (black levels and contrast adjustment)
But the exact circumstances are not so well known.
Regarding JPEG artifacts you could be right.
Actually, to be evaluated only TIFF available for download.
Many cars have green heat resistant glazing or infrared coatings.
The Blue Golf certainly has a green glass that is seen normally.
Positive, Black Noise is visible in any image.
Antwort von ThomasKluge: SonyFS100 - a kick up the ass
A look from the perspective of the DSLRs
sony professional - NEX FS100E: Affordable Super 35mm