Frage von niXwiss:
how can I tell if my suits cut material plus audio to DVD?
Is there a rule of thumb? I want to give away any DVD space, but it is synonymous missing at> Final nothing.
How do I get stuck in there?
Vielan Thanks in advance.
Antwort von beiti:

The length of the finished video to determine this with the counter-DVD capacity and thus determine the maximum data rate. ;)
Synonymous, it gets easier. In many encoders you can request a certain disc capacity.
Of course, the DVD standard sets certain limits. The highest possible quality in 60 minutes will fit on the DVD, in 6 hours lowest possible quality.
Antwort von niXwiss:

Hello Beiti,
with beginners is so one thing that sometimes do not understand what they should do with the answer
Please explain to me the first set closer. Do you think so, for example: min 4.7 GB of DVD/105. Movie length = 44,761 KB / min. Data Rate?
What shall I do with the data rate (assuming I have understood correctly)?
When editing program I use Let 'Edit2 and so a DVD can be created (MPEG2). A data rate, I can not type.
So I would use a Enodes and then with a burning program burn the DVD. Please explain to me something more accurate.
Min had found by experiment that high quality setting with 51st Gaming comfortably fit on the DVD. How do you write, are 60 min. a lot.
Is it normal that min AVI to MPEG2 conversion of approximately 140th have been used? Have found that with a factor of about 2.7 is expected to be.
I thank you in advance.
Antwort von beiti:

Unfortunately, I do not know Let's Edit and do not know what we can as set. If you can not enter data rate should be the size of the DVD can enter a blank so that the program makes it fitting. (Is anyway beginner-friendly than the manual calculation, see below.) DVDs have only 4.37GB, incidentally, if synonymous draufsteht 4.7 GB. (If a computational trick of the Manufacturer, as with hard disks.)
60 minutes is not much, incidentally, on the contrary: That is the highest permissible level of quality (9.8 mbps). Although the film is shorter than 60 minutes, one can not hochschrauben next according to the standard rate. A lower data rate (for longer films), this always works when you take to cut corners in Purchase. In practice, you get to just under 5 mbps (that is, up to 120 minutes running time) nor a very good quality, less, it is seen worse.
In addition, the achievable quality is synonymous strongly dependent on the encoder used and its adjustment. For example, you get with 2-pass encoding-(2-pass) with higher quality than 1-pass. Variable Bit Rate (vbr) you get better quality than with a fixed data rate (cbr). I have no idea which of these settings, Let's Edit. For good encoders, there are these possibilities.
My encoder (Canopus ProCoder Express) needed for 60 minutes movie in 2-pass VBR about 170 minutes, in 1-pass CBR (lower quality), it goes into a good 60 minutes. The values apply to my Athlon 3500 system.
It is synonymous much faster encoder, in particular the Cinema Craft encoder.
Brief digression into the calculation of data rates: in most encoders can exist in Mbit / sec (mbps). For this purpose we must know that are 8 bits = 1 byte, and 1,000,000 bits that are 1 Mbps, 1,048,576 bytes and that is as much as 1 Mbyte (bytes more with less can be determined by a factor of 1024, not 1000). If you're not dealing with these values is practiced, you are almost bound to be charged. In addition comes to the video data rate adds even an audio data rate, which depends on whether the sound uncompressed (PCM) or compressed (eg, MPG or AC3) stores. A typical data rate for MPEG audio would be 256 kbps.
Antwort von niXwiss:

Thanks Beiti, good for your prompt description.