Frage von laumaster:
lightning effect? or how is it??
have on this website I watched the trailer and ask myself the question how do I do this flash effect is used in synonymous de cinema ...
Antwort von soahC:

I'd simply say, 1 clip Reinsch - 3 white frames, depending on the lust and capricious synonymous with gaps between them and distributed irregularly. when needed, you can garnish with the whole synonymous with one (resulting in shorter fade) ...
Antwort von Spell:

soahC hello, thank you for your response and have tried it. However, it shows me somehow not the desired result .. I'm doing something wrong or it is not possible to play with magix this desired effect, almost 100% Flash?
If it does not work cihd s Effect could make synonymous with Adobe Premiere, if the there there?
Antwort von laumaster:

ups of me was .. net logged in. .. ^ ^
Antwort von Wiro:

there are 2 ways to use Flash.
1) a white surface, 6 frames long. 1. Full white picture, then a soft fade over 5 frames.
2) a negative of a scene with a dark background, 2 frames long.
So very simple.
In the future, you should so you can simply upload a sample video in the NLE and watch as single ;-))
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von laumaster:

It has geklapt .. knows someone matching this sounds .. otherwise the effect nciht comes across really well:)
naja .. if not synonymous not worry I'll find something!