Frage von CapN:
Hi folks,
I hope I can help someone:
I have a Digital Handycam (Digital 8) of Sony, which I have actually always has done good service. Earlier, I have been long time again and it has recorded everything went wonderfully, but now I can no longer play tape. If I were in the camera mode to view film footage of the walk, then he shows me a flashing Eject icon (yes we know from the VCR) and the time index is "C: 31:23" ...?!
What's happened since? Have the tape been out-and reingetan and pressed several buttons, but I no longer get away ... is the film material and the Cam in the bucket now? Someone knows what I've done wrong?
Antwort von CapN:

Hmm .. well, just the error gegoogelt ... likely to be eaten anyway, the story ... Camera in the ass ...
Antwort von Markus:
... just the error gegoogelt ... Then you know
this discussion
Antwort von CapN:

Yeah - unfortunately I do not savvy first that is an error, and thought since the time code spins around ... otherwise I would have hoped the post can save.
But shortly s.Rande: The camcorder does it again. No clue why.
Antwort von Markus:
But shortly s.Rande: The camcorder does it again. No clue why. Some error messages are based on erroneous and occur only at random. The you can safely ignore.
The situation is different, of when this error occurs more frequently now s.immer. Then you need the camcorder to service times, because such conduct announced that sooner or later, a catastrophic failure is likely, if not the source of errors is eliminated.