Frage von schnuta:
Hi folks,
after 4 long years I finally our holiday video from Rome rausgeholt again, and am now putting it to cut. my problem is now to briefly explain:
In the video recordings are from the Roman Forum (old, broken buildings) is shown, and then recorded a few short sequences, as it earlier - when everything was still once healing process. My wish now is to review the sequences to the outer edge with a kind of fog, or blurry display.
something like this:
So the main thing is that only the inner part of the image is sharp to see, and the outer edge or blurred with mist.
Question: how do you get this with adobe premiere or after effects (but rather premiere) out?
Please do not respond in a German expert, because I'm not good with effects familiar and rather anfänger am.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

which should be with "Blur" can be achieved. On this occasion, I wonder, incidentally is why beginners are confessing itself as the first with After Effects
for big money properly equip ... learning the "Video" function is its diversity might not be so beneficial?
Or is somewhere just AE Sales Week?
Antwort von Wiro:

okay - European football, we do not have, then we dedicate ourselves again to the Video Editing ... ;-)
Here nochn approach for Premiere Pro:
In the Title Designer to create a white rectangle, size approximately as Title Safe Area, and in track 2 set.
Fast Blur and set it under control quite right.
Effect> Keying> Alpha adjustment drauf specify an alpha channel reverse.
Possibly. with scaling and fine-tune opacity.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von schnuta:

Thanks for the quick help.
@ Wiro:
Thou hast written: Fast Blur and set it REGULATOR QUITE to the right.
regler what do you mean?
Antwort von Wiro:

Well, the slider from Blur.
The strongest to provide blur.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von schnuta:

fter the ... or just the percentage number vary ....
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Question you know "Try and Error"
... then try it out both and find what YOU like s.besten