Frage von ThomasH:Hello,
for the diploma film "Starokar will be extras from the area of Mainz or Frankfurt s.Main sought. For more info on the film project, there's at: / starokar
The extras playing the "gray men". The filming will take place by mid-December in Frankfurt. Exact date not yet known. Due to the small budget can not be disbursed Gage. For catering s.Set will provide (names + DVD credits are of course)
Thomas Kaufmann
* th.kaufmann (replace * with @)
Antwort von Axel:
I'm not from the area, but I have read your exposé. Perhaps the film would be and more surreal, if you instead of my little gray men klischeebehafteten "normal" audience would accept. It would be a challenge s.die choreography, they are all in different directions, but still like to run remotely.
Antwort von Tersil:
due to accumulated problems, the rotation of January (the middle or end of January) to be postponed.
We are still looking for extras!
best greetings