Frage von MP:
Slashcam Hello Friends,
I need help immediately, I have a friend at the birthday celebration
aufgennommen at the ceremony, it is violently loud was the sound was on manuel eingeschtellt Ca: 2.5 hrs. fully receptive overridden as Basse heights.
how do I get the sound clean?
Has anyone experience with villeicht sound mixers I've vorgeschtellt MiniDV on a sound mixer to run where it might sound, bass, treble, can filter out noise.
Pinnacle had 10 attempts at making a clean result is not satisfactory, OR I can not einschtellen (little idea of the average program) Please, Please as soon as possible.
Antwort von Kameramann:
Slashcam Hello Friends,
I need help immediately, I have a friend at the birthday celebration
aufgennommen at the ceremony, it is violently loud was the sound was on manuel eingeschtellt Ca: 2.5 hrs. fully receptive overridden as Basse heights.
how do I get the sound clean?
Has anyone experience with villeicht sound mixers I've vorgeschtellt MiniDV on a sound mixer to run where it might sound, bass, treble, can filter out noise.
Pinnacle had 10 attempts at making a clean result is not satisfactory, OR I can not einschtellen (little idea of the average program) Please, Please as soon as possible.
MP Overdriven sound? No chance - this is so nunmal recorded and the signals get distorted with certainty you are no longer clean. If they do, I knew with what magic bullet. Conversely (untersteuert) has better cards, because the signal can increase overall, although usually associated with noise, but still. But that was not the question ... Since you have now.
Gruss, cameraman.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Manuel eingeschtellt sound recording fully overridden ... Now that the child fell into the fountain is, unfortunately, probably not really much to his rescue. For future recordings denk dran but that it is not enough to "manual" to make. Importantly, during the recording the sound to control (via s.besten Headphones, but at least on the synonymous with the XM2 probably existing level meter) and the ambient volume level according to the manual nachzuregeln.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Maik:

When the Sound and Picture is:
what is not there does not restore ...
(Overrides, clipping, Überberlichtung)
what is weak you can with
Quality loss reasonably restore ...
(Untersteuert, Under Exposure)
Optimal is properly exposed, properly gepegelt.
So isch.
Antwort von steveb:

naja ... sometimes go even further. But is really a "fail ...- Work"
I've taken "Samplitude" and the denoising and declipping tools.
At least you can in Equalizing Language through skilful little better still. Music For hops and malt are lost.
If it is so important, give it in "hands-profit". Times cutting a small piece of clay out and send me an email. (see my profile)
Antwort von MP:

Hello Dear Koll,
I am grateful s.alle to me the problem would help.
I try to time at a friend on a professional editing system
I hope it klabt.
if not?
then tried the koll.Steveb on any tool to corridors
Thank you again s.alle