Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Fox is looking for the super-director of heidi - 3 Jan 2007 15:27:00
In a few weeks, the deadline for "On the Lot" from a new reality-drama series of Fox. We are looking for young directors from around the world, of which 16 are selected in order to stand against each other. The prize: a 1 million deal with DreamWorks. The elect will be brought to Hollywood, where everyone can short film per week to produce must be - and a weekly flight out. Sounds somehow know the concept ... Production is the whole of Mark Burnett (which was for Fox like The Apprentice or Survivor produced) and Steven Spielberg. All applicants must have a 5-minute clip to deliver (as well as a brief intro) to their skills to the test. The clips are available at the mandatory site for the series now to see and evaluate (the above link) - s.Einreichungen do not seem to pose a problem ..
If Hollywood is too far, or the period until mid-February to close, you can probably safely sit back and also to the mandatory copy for German television wait ...
Antwort von Dragon:

the targets for this action are absolutely ridiculous. hands off!