Frage von newdog:
Hi People,
would like from the laptop over the TV film look.
Possessed Laptop EL 80 (approx 2J.) Alt / Nvidia Geforce Go 7600th
TV: Hanseatic (about 10J.), 2 Scart bushings front and rear or RGB connection.
So the usual problem I get no color on TV.
Picture from the laptop is there just no color synonymous'm already followed this instruction (because when I click Settings - go expand, just 6Button open fields and there is no "display" button in):
setting under the menu item "Properties -> Settings -> Advanced (then the new popup menu [as in my case]) -> Geforce 7600 -> Graphics nView settings for the TV select -> Device settings (re-open popup menu) -> TV Select Format -> Advanced -> (again, a pop-up menu ^ ^) and
in the video output format of the Choice -> Mixed select video output "- what I've done here is fat with me not there, unfortunately I can not select - In signal format: and nothing stands in the video output format: only DVI monitor is optional.
So what I have read often synonymous is one s.seinem TV - S-Vhs should activate.
Currently, the picture on AV1 - I hit next AV2/Picture appears black - I next hit comes S-Vhs/Picture black
Danke schon ma in advance
Antwort von ksr:

The topic was really quite often because ... Tell us at least, as you laptop and TV have cable!
Trying times for another AV channel einzustöpseln, eg the RGB connection in front!
Antwort von newdog:

On TV, the S-Vhs + RGB cable connected s.Scart and s.Laptop red / white cable.
I have business there now that I have a color - so now have the "Joint Video" to choose, then I could still synonymous S-video output "option, only the picture then B / W.
On TV, I find nothing but the front and rear 2Scartanschlüsse is only L & R audio (red / white) + video (yellow) and headphone input. But normally he would have S-Vhs have if it displays or s.TV?
Can you somehow because otherwise the picture even sharper hinbekommen?
Antwort von ksr:

Is not really a front S-Video port, a Hosidenbuchse (black, inconspicuous)? That would be sharper than composite (yellow = video - RCA inputs) and should really give it, yes, if the S-VHS TV show ... Hmm ...
That being said: The picture on the TV of course, never Videausgang looks like on the laptop from (your TV has a much lower resolution), this output is often only moderate images, depending on the graphics card, because we can not expect too much .
(For a preview of the video image during the film cutting, it would be wrong anyway, just an indication.)
Antwort von thos-berlin:

You must be synonymous s.Television menu let's see whether the scart inputs of S-Video to CVBS / Composite switch.