Frage von trendspurt:
Time a question s.The pros here, I have a stereo track and would like to make the cut during one mono tracks, works like this? Is there any effect sowas fill the right and left to fill?
greetz and thx
Antwort von Strahlemann:

Which programs do you work?
Antwort von trendspurt:

Oh sorry, premiere pro 1.5.
Ought to be ne basic function - they can not find, unfortunately.
Antwort von Strahlemann:

Go through the audio mixer ...
The best you take the vordefinerte audio editing layout of APP (Window -> audio).
1) Now, are you of the audio track (which you want to convert to mono) an assignment (audio plug symbol) -> if you clicking the arrow you can now create a mono submix which (after activation), synonymous in the audio mixer appears ...
2) Last you need only mention the stereo audio track on the submix "patch" what you can do through the bottom drop-down box in the audio mixer ...
What you have done so:
1) You the audio track you were assigned a submix channel
2) You, the audio track on the submix channel have patched -> ie you grind your audio track by the submix channel (which converts your audio in mono) on the master track