Frage von jangool:
I am superior to the Canon HV 30 or the Panasonic NV-GS500 to buy. Actually, I HDV is not as important synonymous and the whole topic so far too extensive, but because the HV30 an A / D converter with indoors, would be the full price again worthwhile ... With HDV, this whole system but not very obvious:
1. I work with Media Studio 8, so far only avi.s worked, had no television and HDTV Player does not synonymous. How exactly does this HDV -> DV conversion from: I imagine that with increased time spent in front? Normally, I capture the material avi yes in real time on the PC, can I use the HDV material
during the capture format? Or must the camera the first "to" convert the camera alone? When I edit HDV material from PC is very nice to have plow I suppose, because I'll have to see whether my das überhaupt creates. I would just like everything so far in DV editing, burn DVDs, etc. As a backup means of computerized - in again on the mini cassette.
1.1. Normally I do avi shots and make an entire movie, with effects, videos and photos mount. Finally I compress everything in MPEG-2 to put it on DVD to capture (plus backup, formerly MPEG file). To put it in full quality as a backup on DV tape to bring, I would feel the whole project file again to avi, convert, or anyone know an MPEG 2 format without quality loss onto tape? I do not want to secure rough version, but the entire Project, with effects, etc. How do I make the s.besten with HDV? Everything s.Ende again in HDV format?
1.2 Adjust to normal Mini DV tapes as much as HDV DV recordings recordings up?
2. If our normal HD television broadcasts run, do these usually worse than a standard SD broadcast. S.das I assume is because the television is not implemented? If my 8 Megapixel Digital Camera s.der Television subscribe flicker images partly quite nice, because this resolution is simply too high for the television (really?). When I recorded in HDV DV converter, edit the MPEG 2 converter and burn to DVD and Television aufm look, then I will hopefully not this phenomenon? If yes then the same principle as for the moment
3. The HV 30 for me is primarily interesting because of the AD converter, because I have my old VHS tapes finally a rescue ring to miss :-) That should be with the HV 30 fold easily vorallem synonymous and synonymous in the best quality to make his or ?
Sorry, ich habs with the not so brief .. Hope I get answers, or at least links with answers;) Thank you, Jenny
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... How exactly does this HDV -> DV conversion from ... can I use the HDV material during the capture format? Or must the first camera in the Camera alone convert? ... If you shot in HDV as DV material on the calculator will want to let it transform of the camera via firewire and a DV output. This is exactly in real time as you are of your previous work with DV're accustomed.
Adjust to normal ... Mini DV tapes as much as HDV DV recordings recordings up? ... Yes, the term is identical.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von LarsProgressiv:

Hi Jenny,
When I recorded in HDV DV converter, edit the MPEG 2 converter [...] then you have MPEG2 (HDV) in DV umkomprimiert
lossy and then again in
lossy MPEG2 zurückkomprimiert.
Whether this is so good?
Antwort von jangool:

Danke schon mal for answers!
So the transformation of HDV in DV happens BEFORE caputren IN the camera, right? How long does it take a little time synonymous? Since I currently have nothing HDV compatible, I will in the next few years with only the DV recording work (as before), I wonder whether this is beneficial when there is a big time effort is / would be to convert everything first?
To edit DV material to DVD to burn it, I have always converted to MPEG (avi processed material, project file converted to MPEG), MPEG file and then burned to DVD. Quality was on all DVD burners yet perfectly (with my old Panasonic NV-GS 30 or 29). Is this really true or the best option? How do I do that then with HDV recordings? This brings nothing but to burn to DVD if I did not have HDTV player and television have, right? Since the images on the television but determined to kriselig?
Antwort von PowerMac:

You should log into the Beginners Threads something around. These are not new questions. Dozens of people had exactly the same questions.
Antwort von jangool:

On the answer that I would lossy compressed images, I was somewhat versunsichert. Possessions but after reading and have found so far that I've done everything right.
Werd times whether I schaun the beginner thread about HD finde ... Or I just go to Conrad
Antwort von Eugen von ...:

So the transformation of HDV in DV happens BEFORE caputren IN the camera, right? How long does it take a little time synonymous?
The HDV Camera gives both the same speed out = real time.
To edit DV material to DVD to burn it, I have always converted to MPEG (avi processed material, project file converted to MPEG), MPEG file and then burned to DVD. Quality was on all DVD burners yet perfectly (with my old Panasonic NV-GS 30 or 29). Is this really true or the best option? How do I do that then with HDV recordings? This brings nothing but to burn to DVD if I did not have HDTV player and television have, right? Since the images on the television but determined to kriselig?
You give s.besten DV as DV-AVI (PAL) uncompressed from. That you can with the editing program of your choice after editing. The editing program will then be a standard DVD can produce. As long as you do not cut with the finished, you should see the material in the form, which it had when capturing (exceptions exist, for you are not interesting).
Only the very end, the Project once and re-rendered equal in the right format for DVD.
You do not burn directly from the cutting program (synonymous when it allegedly can), but allows you the AUDIO_TS folder (always empty) and VIDEO_TS write to disk. From there with a burning program like NERO to DVD.
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) You give s.besten DV as DV-AVI (PAL) uncompressed from. (...) Such an attitude can not exist. DV is compressed.
Antwort von Eugen von ...:
(...) You give s.besten DV as DV-AVI (PAL) uncompressed from. (...)
Such an attitude can not exist. DV is compressed. The white myself Programs There are beginners in the area in which the option is so named. That is why I have the synonymous in quotation marks. This here: ""
Antwort von PowerMac:

Programs for Which? I doubt it strongly.
Antwort von Axel:
To edit DV material to DVD to burn it, I have always converted to MPEG (avi processed material, project file converted to MPEG), MPEG file and then burned to DVD. Quality was on all DVD burners yet perfectly (with my old Panasonic NV-GS 30 or 29). Is this really true or the best option? How do I do that then with HDV recordings? This brings nothing but to burn to DVD if I did not have HDTV player and television have, right? Since the images on the television but determined to kriselig? A Conclusion on which you would come, if you read the right thread then would be: HDV is for the manufacture of SD-DVD as done because the same codec, just a small effect. Expect is a clearly visible increase in quality. In the Camera downkonvertiertes HDV> DV, however, is simply DV. Then you can safely be present in your DV camera to stay.
Antwort von jangool:

Soo has done! Bin yesterday summarily buy the Panasonic 500 gone, no HDV, no questions, no problems!
Thanks anyway for the answers!