Frage von fresh_hotboy:
hallo erstmal,
have the following problem. I would like to become in the near future selbsständig. Unteranderem with filming of tanzveranstalltungen and live performances of bands.
if not last because the evil confusing gema.
here are my questions three.
1. If I film one tanzveranschtaltung where already paid by the organizers and a band gema xy recreating songs. I need if I sell the dvd s.The arrival synonymous pay even gema? if so how much? would nächmlich from gema hompege not smart.
2. if we have a band concert at their film the images but only transmitted live at the event itself, is it taxable gema? not in the grid! - And if we are of the live transmission anfertiegen only a master dvd and give it to one of the band members, is the obligatory gema?
3. I may, in a clause to refer to the sale of a (dance dvd) such or similar dvd, the buyer must take care of the gema? I will therefore tailor the gema?
Many loving thanks, in advance for your reply
Antwort von steve:

Already done ... bye
Antwort von fresh_hotboy:
Thanks for your reply Steve but above me something unintelligible words, and just korriegiert.
to Answer 3
I mean it could sell a DVD of a dance, but the indicative with the invoice, which is taxable persons GEMA material. And would therefore be off the hook?
Antwort von Markus:

Hello "fresh, hot boy" ;-))
You can find answers often synonymous (on questions that have not yet been made) in existing knowledge bases, for example in the movie College:
Music Rights
Antwort von fresh_hotboy:

wiso everything's just so complicated? I would only like to wish for the people who like to record your event. And any film shoot, which will be shown in the cinema. any dvd but will s.eine private.
because even if one calls in the gema, referring one to the general mist. konkrette there is no response, let alone the solution.
is it really so confusing?
effort at soveil, passes one of the fun and lust.
Antwort von steve:

Already done ... bye
Already done ... bye
Antwort von Camtv:

What Steve has given in his answer 1.) is very important because it is not synonymous use if you include the invoice, which is included GEMA taxable persons material. You're not off the hook!
Once you earn money with classified information or publish things that you do not belong, or what you have no rights, it is narrow (in the criminal sense) and right holders to pursue these acts relentlessly.
Mal's a tip: To make oneself as a "live recording" independently is arithmetically impossible ..... Ask for it at times Ariola, eg what. pay for a song from a tape is to obtain distribution rights to .... How many DVD's you wllst sell? 350,000??
You can not compare with the right of performance of a song a cover band .... These are different levels.
Look in google to see:
Copyright (Nat.-internat)
Recycling law
Power Law
Performing rights