Frage von André Nökel:
Can someone help me who knows with GEMA fees in Italy? I'm an event in Sardinia and GEMA technically not next.
Thanks in advance
Antwort von mdb:

GEMA will probably have nothing to report in Italy, but some information should still be able to give them to you.
Antwort von Bernd E.:

GEMA is the Italian counterpart to the SIAE, which even operates its own office in Sardinia:
Tel 070 6613601 / Fax 070 662288
If you speak Italian, that would ensure the best source of information.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von camworks:

exist in virtually every country an institution, the task the same as ours takes gema. cooperate with each other all the charges that can therefore synonymous gema Friend zbsenglische singers or s.The English for the gema.
from the ground should gema synonymous to the name and address might call the Italian pendants.