Newsmeldung von slashCAM:GPU acceleration for editing in Adobe Premiere Pro and Sony Vegas Pro plug-in of thomas - 14 Jul 2009 13:10:00 The appropriately enough, "GPU decoder" plug-in dubbed the French company Divide frame accelerates work with AVCHD / H.264 QuickTime videos via Nvidia's PureVideo HD and CUDA considerably - for example, will declare themselves to be the decoding a H.264 video with 40-HD QuickTime Mbps a Canon EOS 5D Mark II on a Core 2 Duo E7200 processor and a GeForce 88,000 GT of 5 frames per second to 55 per second speed and then finally a smooth or ruckelloses editing of AVCHD / H.264 video possible. And there is no need for re-coding synonymous with a space-like CineForm Intermediate Codec or Canopus HQ HD, saving considerable synonymous disk space. Divide frame is on the one hand, the newer graphics cards built on the Nvidia PureVideo HD technology for hardware-based H.264 decoding as synonymous to the graphics card via CUDA shifted computing processes.
Prerequisite for working with GPU decoder Adobe Premiere (Pro CS3, and higher) or Sony Vegas Pro 9, and a graphics card of Nvidia (; GeForce 83xx or higher - interestingly, the Ion synonymous mobile processor) and a Windows (, XP, Vista or Seven) operating system. With an online erhähtlichen trial version can try out how well each works immediately. We look forward to your experiences - a first test on our synonymous follows immediately.
UPDATE: According to initial reports on the French website
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This is news to report with pictures and link to the pages slashCAM Magazine
Antwort von wolfgang:

It should perhaps be noted that the plug-in Vegas will run only with the not yet available Update Vegas 9a. When was the will of Sonygelauncht, is not yet known.
Antwort von tom:
It should perhaps be noted that the plug-in Vegas will run only with the not yet available Update Vegas 9a. When was the will of Sonygelauncht, is not yet known. Hmm,
I have the statement
* non-h264 quicktime files and tif files disabled, full support on Vegas Pro 9.0a (; x86) when available interpreted as being anything other than QuickTime H.264 works in Vegas 9?
Antwort von Marco:

Deleted by the scribe
Antwort von General Cartman Lee:

I once asked what parameters are important for performance. The optimum is the response after two Billigkarten:
decoding speed relies on 2 factors:
-gpu core frequency
-pci-express frequency
The number of core, memory and SLI does not matter.
refer to this chart for the gpu core frequencies:
9400 GT is 550MHz
GTX 260 is 576MHz
GTX 295 is 576MHz
The best deal is with GeForce 9800 GTX + or GeForce GTS 250 (; 738Mhz)
General Cartman Lee
Antwort von bjelgorod:

Can we speed up the plug in synonymous with the HDV editing?
Antwort von RickyMartini:

No, because the plug-in uses the H.264 decoder, the graphics card. But HDV uses MPEG2 and not H.264.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Veständnis my past is that this plugin makes it easy to render - but not just improved the preview function. DAS should consider. Because when cutting so they require more of a good preview function, ideally with multiple tracks (in real time, then synonymous orifices or color filters operate in real time). But this is obviously in Vegas - as has been synonymous - more a function of the CPU.
Only the rendering is apparently accelerated - but here are private users but many believe that they had at rendering time - this could synonymous run overnight. In the commercial sector, the stop provides safe out differently, then the rendering time has a different meaning.
So ideally it would be a solution if we had a dramatically synonymous verbesesserte preview function for the cut.
Antwort von SteffenUp:

When I look at the little "promotional video" look at their page,
I would even think that it died while working in the Timeline, go!
And not "only" killed rausrendern ..
Nice if it would :-)
Antwort von cuttingfreak:

The plugin is not only speeds up the preview and rendering. And that is exactly what (many users, as I expect) eagerly. In particular, the Quicktime integration (; eg relevant material for the Canon 5D) of Adobe Premiere is inefficient - because the plugin does help.
However, the software is still unstable. But if and as long as it runs: a top solution!
Antwort von wolfgang:

Hmm, they're really there by the decoder - interesting. Would of course be great if this is so.
Antwort von General Cartman Lee:

I've tried the program times.
Core2Quad Q6600
2GB Ram
Vista 32
Nvidia Drivers 190.38
GPU decoder Premiere 1:04
Premiere CS4
D5 Mark II Material
When running the plugin, it is very impressive!
5D material in real-time editing, draufpacken color correction, blur filter, blend and contrast, are still real-time!
The latest program crashes after a few minutes.
When you first start with Premiere plugin, the system has not properly loaded on a C-Lib complained.
When things should stabilize, the 95 ® is a bargain!
Antwort von Marco:

In my case it runs with Vegas Pro 9 in the version 1.04 in conjunction with AVCHD very good. Only transitions like the plugin is not so. At least everything is still stable.