Frage von Franto0015:
Hi Folks,
My GS140 displays photos in a relatively clear Farbdivergenzen. This means that vertical lines have left a red border and the right, a green border. This is already apparent even without magnification. If one JPG only 3 times enlarged, it seems every layman clear.
Well, I know that the core function of a camcorder is not to photograph. But when I carefully look at the DV video, then I see light synonymous divergence. It is ultimately the same lens and 3-chip assembly. Panasonic Service When I was told that this is normal and lie within the normal tolerances.
Has anyone here made similar observations? If not, maybe someone would be so kind to me or to send some photos? Made with a GS140 and GS150, s.Besten with vertical lines (fence)? "franz.kreuz" The replacement s.with @, because nospam purposes.
Vieln Thanks, Franz
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Francis,
Forum Pit in the video had already written something about it. With a Picture of this chromatic aberration, it might be easier for us to give an opinion. ;-)
The same contribution in the video forum:
Panasonic NV-bs140 poor photo quality
Antwort von prem:

ok, then we discuss in the video forum on next, there's the link to the synonymous Stillimage's.
Thanks, Franz
Antwort von Jan:

Hello Francis,
In any case, the camera sent away to Hamburg or a Panasonic shop.
On Saturday I had on any test photo with the GS 140 this error had no preference as much as I zooming.
The images are already of very moderate in nature, well to the CCD size, which is indeed of Leica lens (the question is how much it has to do with a real Leica for 5000 of ¬)
If the signal processing does not play along and the CCD are too small because they are noisy halt.
The Stillimage's of followers GS 280 are better by 3 classes, I do not believe that it only s.der 1 million pixels is more, surprisingly little noisy indoors.
So, strictly back, I tend to bet on signal processing errors or tip from the video forum (CCD), chromatic aberration (I had the mistake not, the Apo korigierte Lens can not be away all at once), I can hardly imagine, but it is all speculation -- We all have a camera Bauer.