Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Games on interactive real-time streaming of thomas - 25 Mar 2009 17:42:00 OnLive The company has a revolutionary new technique, which the gaming industry upside might be on special game servers to the highest Hardewareanforderungen meet, running actual games, the user of the home from any of Windows / OS X computer in real time werden.Möglich remotely over the network is characterized by a nearly delay-free transmission of images of the game and the reactions of the player over the network. According to the developer, the encoding of images (currently a maximum of 720p at 60fps) with 200facher Compression in less than a milliseconds, which barely decoding processor load and cause the transport of the individual data is extremely optimized. It is not clear which codec is deployed. Reports of journalists indicates that the technology under controlled conditions, the initial tests work very well: the hardware requirements for its infamous Crysis was on a normal Macbook good playable. A 1 MB browser plug big enough to each PC (for example, synonymous Netbook) or Macs to play the latest games. Depending on the resolution are the requirements s.die Internet: 1.5 MBit DSL for the games in SD resolution, 4-5 Mbit for 720p pictures - 1080p is not yet supported, since the required 10 Mbit lines still too rare in the United States moved are.
The benefits for players and developers were clear: those who s.and to a new game and want to experience at the highest resolution Renounce can no longer requires the latest in gaming hardware and invest his money for much constantly on the current technical status and Hold could be of any computer over a network connection has sufficient play (playing games instead of rent, including hardware purchase). And the game manufacturer would no more middlemen and have no more problems with pirated games.
If the technology is synonymous in the larger testing say it probably stands to revolutionize the computer industry and indirectly related industries before: if you still need game consoles and high-end CPUs and GPUs for the latest games to play?
Of course would be used for other applications technology synonymous conceivable: eg virtualisiete, personalized PC, from anywhere of the reach would be. For compute-intensive tasks could then, as in the ancient times of the Internet, computing power necessary or Services easily be rented on the network and then used. For example, could be synonymous to the (raw) cut of movie-shooting away from the place where the films are available in original resolution and computationally powerful systems to be processed. It would be rich, just the preview and the surface of the cut-(or synonymous compositing-) program delay enough to stream. The possibility of access to distributed computer power will be many more new services possible.
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Antwort von thenino:

Is nothing new, at least not in the work area. As for the gaming news at Slashcam have lost me, however, is not entirely clear.
I work regularly with colleagues, then via an Internet connection "in control of my job take over." This works synonymous between Mac and Windows (and vice versa) without problems and, depending on the speed of Internet synonymous without delay, and that although we always incidentally via Skype phone.
I swear, inter alia, the Free Remote Access Software "TeamViewer" (
Antwort von tom:
Is nothing new, at least not in the work area. As for the gaming news at Slashcam have lost me, however, is not entirely clear. But this is something new.
The technology, a remote desktop with a few mouse movements of Picture of Picture and a s.and times rising to a new window display is not to compare with a remote, real-time game presented in 720p resolution.
And, unlike desktop remote-access programs such as the aforementioned TeamViewer is not on your own computer is accessed, but a quasi-hired on a temporary high-performance PC.
And what relevance is concerned: maybe just once more the last paragraph of the message read.
Antwort von tom:

Who's interested: here is a very good critical articles about OnLive, synonymous of the aspect of the necessary video compression explained:
and the response of OnLive: