Frage von Blackeagle123:
Hallo ihr Lieben,
have a general question to miniDV. Since it is just a digital "data volume" and is not a movie, so it should theoretically be possible to consider all possible data on it to play.
Now it is so that a HD-recording, the recording time of 1 hour on (I think) 40 minutes.
There are a number of consumer cameras with microphone inputs. Is it therefore possible (possibly synonymous without a camera) to record multiple audio tracks? Or just sound (but 5 or 6 different tracks) recorded?
What you would need for a recorder? With a normal camera, I think, is something not possible! Or you may choose from Premiere or Avid to miniDV to record multiple tracks?
How far will the recording time verkürtzt if you have more than just the 1 usual soundtrack has?
The objective is, for example, a live recording of a festival to do that later Dolby Surround should be taking each track individually abmixen can be.
Many, many questions. I hope you have more insight:) ... and you can give me answers! Thank you in advance in advance.
Many greetings
Antwort von beiti:

(Mini-) DV is a video format, not a universal memory. HDV (ie the use of DV tapes for HDTV) is a brand with its own standard of identical duration, but MPEG2 Compression. There are also professional versions of DV (eg, DV Cam and DVC-Pro), which sometimes allow only shorter seasons, because the tape runs faster.
But each of these is specifically standardized format. There is no universal data format to which you all sorts of computer data could write.
It would be synonymous not much use. To record multiple tracks, so you need the appropriate hardware with corresponding inputs. The storage media is no preference (for example, hard disk or flash card). Why should such a device in a computer calculated drive install?
To your real question:
The maximum, what you beside the picture to get DV or HDV, there are 4 tracks (eg with the Canon XL H 1). For 5.1-Live-Recording with Sourround-Microphone, etc. would make the rich, because the center channel in the middle of the front left / right can generate. To make it similar to some Sony camcorder.
However, if one even more tracks (for example, individual microphones) record and later wants to make the mix, you need a multi-track recording device. The best comment for this mixer with Firewire output (eg PHHB Phonic 18 FW). As a recording device is then a notebook with Firwire jack.
Without a computer to function as the multichannel recorder Korg D-888. The latter has a built-in hard disk and takes signals of up to 8 microphones simultaneously.
For the surround mix on you to play the recording into the PC. What kind of software that comes into question, however, I know not.
Time as evidence: a Firewire mixer, while the 8 signal s.den computers costing s.600 euros. A multichannel recorder with its own hard drive s.1000 euros. If one considers what is a good camcorder and 8 high-quality microphones hinblättern need, the cost for the audio recorder that is peanuts.
Antwort von Alpinist:
Since it is just a digital "data volume" and is not a movie, so it should theoretically be possible to consider all possible data on it to play. Yes, it is synonymous:
It just makes no sense, since there is no Fehlererkenntung (
Antwort von Bernd E.:
that a HD-recording, the recording time of 1 hour on (I think) 40 minutes. Even when it's your actual question rather s.Rand concerns: HD is again a totally different league, so I assume you mean HDV. Its terms are identical tape with DV, only the professional offshoot DVCAM has increased due to the speed these shorter recording time.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Hey, thank you in advance!
The maximum, what you beside the picture to get DV or HDV, there are 4 tracks (eg with the Canon XL H 1). Is it with the Camera NV-MX300 possible via firewire several audio tracks on the tape to be transferred? or does it only with a special camera which supports it?
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

The program seems to me interesting, I'll look at it a try next time. That the data is unusable is of course a great disadvantage, it was only the question whether other theoretically feasible.
Many greetings
Antwort von beiti:
Is it with the Camera NV-MX300 possible via firewire several audio tracks on the tape to be transferred? or does it only with a special camera which supports it? I think I have already understood your idea. But you ask all of you a bit too easy before. Firewire is a data connection, you can set for every possible use. DV - video transmission with a fixed 3.6 MB / sec. which is a rather unusual special case according to its own standard. DV datastreams understand only devices that are designed (or a computer with the appropriate DV Drivers). But conversely, you can not with one device, a computerized data expects to record any data that has just flown over Firewire come. You can not simply be, for example, a firewire sound interface s.einen DV camcorder and connect the data from the Interface record. That is what is technically quite different.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Mhmm ... that's true! =)
But there is no way that a camcorder, although it is only a Microphone (stereo) input has multiple audio via firewire detects and records signals?
Also, I grade the question of whether to 4x to 4x stereo or mono can record. Because if it is stereo, you have no problem synonymous, Dolby surround recording.
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von beiti:
But there is no way that a camcorder, although it is only a Microphone (stereo) input has multiple audio via firewire detects and records signals? How are the audio signals into the firewire cable come in?
DV camcorders can be standardized in accordance with 2 tracks in 16-bit or 4 tracks recorded in 12 bit (ie more than 2x stereo). If a camcorder itself only 2x 16-bit recording, he can still possibly signal a different DV Cam with 4 12-bit track record via firewire. This is but then only in conjunction with the Picture, thus helping to nix.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Hey, it would be synonymous in an orderly, 2x stereo sound recording and Picture, and 2x Stereo Sound and Picture via 1x Firewire to transfer.
Then you could synonymous, as usdas ZDF finished a soundtrack with sound and make a second soundtrack with demo of the speaker. The tape then goes into Topnstudio, a spokesman for the pro "demo text" speak ...
Would such a thing with Adobe Premiere or Avid with miniDV cassettes possible? If yes, how?
Many greetings
Antwort von beiti:

I understand with the best will not understand why you're so crazy on it, several tracks - retrospectively - on DV tape to bring. There are dozens of elegant options, multi-track recordings to handle.
The (mini-) DV cassette is the dinosaur in the digital video media. tape is inherently fragile mechanically and cumbersome to operate than newer media such as hard disks, DVD-Rs and flash cards. As long as there is still no substitute equivalent quality, the DV tape in the reception area is still maintained, and there it has some advantages synonymous (eg, the virtually endless recording capacity at a very cheap medium). But basically, every filmmaker happy if his material, he finally has the calculator and the original tape no longer need to touch.
Originally it was in DV - Standard provides the right to tape nachzuvertonen (and some camcorders offer this feature until today), but who will provide a non-linear editing space, is such a function is not needed. The 4x 12-bit mode of DV is really only interesting during the recording, so if you really 4 tracks at the same time must begin. In all other cases you will prefer to 2x 16-bit recording.
In the post has almost endless number of tracks in Premiere, etc., as interested in the limitations of tape no longer exists.
When the film into the recording studio to give comments, you must not synonymous directly to this tape recording. In the case of the movie you play somewhere (may be synonymous to a DVD), record the sound separately and in any medium again with the cutting taking place. The manual synchronization is done via simple synchronous Pieper or (in the professional area) over time code.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

thank you for your answer. There is quite no preference to what I need, I feel it at the moment much more about the technical. When I finished my movie wants to secure, but the recordings with O-Sound and produce sound secure (and only have the possibility of this on tape to do so): Is it then possible, with Adobe Premiere Pro 6.5 or more sound tracks to describe ?
Many greetings
Antwort von Markus:
Is it then possible, with Adobe Premiere Pro 6.5 or more sound tracks to describe? I've never tried (ie, must try), but at least Premiere 6.5 can indeed synonymous only two soundtracks capture. That there are four tracks off could be me.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Hey Markus,
thank you for your answer. It went to 4 "mono" audio tracks. Obviously, the 2 stereo tracks. Only question is whether I am on any camcorder (with DV-in) more than a soundtrack via firewire capture with Premiere, and later capture it!
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von beiti:

Times I had an additional software called DVNow of Fast, the Canon XL1 all 4 tracks simultaneously capture and was off again synonymous.
Premiere can do alone, I think not. With Sony Vegas, it could go - but without guarantee.
Basically, all DV camcorder
playback of 12-bit audio master (for compatibility reasons), you can then switch between Ch1 / 2, CH3 / 4 and mix (ie 1 / 3 and 2 / 4 are mixed 1:1). For simultaneous, discrete output of the 4 tracks have no normal camcorder outputs.
Recording in 12-bit but is not mandatory equipment. Also, the devices that it can usually only 2 at once (Ch 1 / 2 of original 3 / 4 for dubbing). Concurrent (!) Recording of all 4 tracks are only very few models.
To the real question: whether any man with DV - In-camcorder via firewire recording 4 tracks simultaneously (eg when copying of tapes of your camcorder to camcorder, or even from an appropriate editing program out) is beyond my knowledge. Should you try it. ;)
It could be the things which are a few camcorder control and other non-stop.