Frage von aight8:
To put it in a nutshell:
The Flycam 6000 with magic arm and vest costs about 1200 dollars.
The Glidecam X-10 HD 4000 with arm and vest costs $ 2,550.
Both excl transport and customs costs.
To what distinguished the two of use. Of course, the processing may be better. But in what way the differences affect the final result and Workflow?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

I think it was Deti has successfully times the Glidecam Flycam paired with a vest.
Or were there in the depths of the forum synonymous irgendwwo an experience report.
Maybe you are looking for has saved time or anyone of this thread that you linked.
B. DeKid
Antwort von aight8:

Deti always writes as smoothly over the Flycam. "Take heart. No problem. All right the system." Which brings me to think some already ^ ^
What would interest me more is what you einsparrt exactly at the price difference of more than 1000 dollars?
I notice you live in an apprentice wages. If the $ 1,000 on it just go for the "Glidecam" sticker and the little bit wilder design, I would not buy. If there is more and is really worth the investment, I would ansparren sooner.