Frage von Supe:
I have an XH-A1 (with Bimborium about 3 kg) and was giving me a Glidecam 4000 per stabilization system to buy, because this looks like a good compromise between quality (with regard to erziehlenden Bildbefriedng) and price seems to be. Other, more expensive systems are more secure and effective, but also synonymous its price.
Previously, I would however like to hear what owners have to say of such? Would my Camera synonymous for a rich 2000s? The promotional videos are great, but is the reality? Or are there better alternatives (I do not want to build yourself)? Do I also have extras? Where are the thing s.günstigesten (I have it for 475 EUR seen)?
Most forum posts to read hab eich.
Thanks for your opinions and tips
Antwort von glumschie:

hab die hc-3 with accessories on a bit 2000 and we are soon hard to bear
but it is absolutely brilliant, the part
can you recommend the Glidecam
calculate a vest with a
others are so synonymous credible dv sportster which I think should go and not quite as expensive as the west of Glidecam
for your cam to take the 4000
yes it always comes as no added s.zubehör
ev synonymous akku times and monitor as a counterweight
then you maybe synonymous over the top as you get more weight on it
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... XH-A1 (with Bimborium about 3 kg) for my dignity ... Camera synonymous a 2000s rich? This is with a closer look at the specifications of the manufacturer but easily answered: The 2000 is specified for a camera weighing up to 2.7 kg. This is for your equipment out of the race.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Supe:

Yes, the specification I have read. I just thought it would possibly do. The price difference is not so blatant. Is synonymous to Recording for the camera while or do I need to buy extra?
Jacket must be one thing. Maybe later, if I good with the thing clearly come. I have a WiFi Archos 704, which I like as a display for the camera would use, but to me, nobody could say something like this could go. I look for useful information yet.
Best Regards,
Antwort von sonjas:

s.besten the archos stativ with the thread if there is at the bottom of the foot of the Glidecam unscrew
course must then be ausballanciert
if the display s.fuss is synonymous you see better where you hinläufst
Antwort von Nick, Der:

If you like, and in the vicinity of Hanover live, you can see the Glidecam 4000 likes it a try here.
Write me an e-mail ... (replace the X with an @)
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von Supe:

Hi Nick!
Thanks for the nice offer. Unfortunately, I do not live nearby (481XX).
Yes, that's quite clear where the display is out :-), but so far nobody could tell me how I use the signal from the camera to the Archos warrior.
Antwort von Bilingual:

Your cam is AV-out and have the archos word probably have AV-in. The cable holding assembly so that it is due nirgens and is preferably not moved. Minimum balance changes and the thing topples! Or you tinker you a Wireless Solution. Ich hab glaub reads somewhere there is a set of Glidecam with internal cable routing.
Antwort von Supe:

So, now I have two days with the Glidecam 400 per rumgespielt and tried. After about 35 minutes I had the camera with tripod balanced. Then I have about 40 minutes cats, flowers and people to wear my arms did hurt.
The tip with the vest did not come about of how I found out. Although I regularly (3x/Wo.) Intense Krafttrining doing so, the Gedrehe quite nicely into the arms. And when the poor overworked, trembles despite the Picture Gildecam. When I consider that maybe the truth is 400g Archos ...
I am sure that the promotional video, where someone on the bridge in the marsh is not alone with the Glidecam was rotated. There was another security with stabilization. What is so relaxed looks in the video presentation is with an XH-A1 a very nice effort, it is longer than 20 minutes to go but maybe not so long synonymous sequence.
The disadvantage I find that despite all the camera per se Einstllerei left or right to rotate around the axis, if one of them left to right. So with two or three fingers s.Tripod hold. It does not tilt to the left, right, front or rear, if properly balanced, but it still rotates halt.
My Conclusion: Slightly better pictures, yes, but for a really calmed Picture it probably needs it more expensive equipment. For the price it is okay, but we can not simply expect too much. If I am now one would ask whether I's re-sell, I say yes.
Antwort von Axel:
My Conclusion: Slightly better pictures, yes, but for a really calmed Picture it probably needs it more expensive equipment. For the price it is okay, but we can not simply expect too much. If I am now one would ask whether I's re-sell, I say yes. You give up fast. Nobody has ever s.ersten of filming such a frame under control. I know this: Equipment purchased or painstakingly built, then everything fluppt not the way I did it to me eträumt. Before anger over time and / or waste of money ends up the stuff in the box.
After a few weeks of a rotation out of hand, Anschleichen s.einen singer. Pah, the war I so synonymous, without Steadicam. Disillusionment s.Schnittplatz. The old tests are still on the plate? Man, like the gently hovers just this side shitty Schlenker. Especially I want to quit because of the repetition: Camera on board
easily. Remember me, as I then thought: Shit, this brings nothing but more now synonymous. But it is better. Almost perfect. I was just overtired s.diesem day, arm did hurt, hurt shoulder tat. I was disappointed and thought no more s.das thing.
Take not available, a full concert or something to do. But permanent s.Ball, train with the next part and then make compensation sport.
Eventually, a vest with arm them. Then you will think, now there are no problems anymore. Surprise: The shoulder does not hurt, but the cross, and the lateral rotation still exists. Steadicam
All people carry their camera in addition.
Antwort von jansi:

Hm, just wanted to write something similar.
If you think this slight "of left to right geschwenke" mean, then I agree with you.
But if you do not have much zoom, maybe n Wide Angledavor
you will always remember less.
I use the 2000 system, and is synonymous with me this gewackel become less and less.
Practice makes perfect!
Antwort von mcdirk:

because of the spin
you hällt EACH tripod with two hands
das ding must be
synonymous with a vest works two-handed.
only have the extended display is like a go at sailing. Each breeze brings a tripod to shoot. need just fine s.deine cam blow. it is synonymous to when I Adjust with the left hand and then switch on the right hand is no longer true and the thing rotates and tilts. it is synonymous halt a question of the possible precision of the parts during manufacture. theoretically should make so all axes intersect in one point. is practically impossible. clearly we all know the scene of Garret brown where the cam behind the house and plug it hervorschaut then freehand around half the cam rotates until the packet then "take". but because he knows what I synonymous approximately 30kg s.der West and not actually gets to 500 euro. the heavier the whole so as to be stable carrier
zoom does not always ..... fully on weitwinkel and s.besten a ww-converter front drauf
because of the weight
if you train you'll know what happens when you only synonymous with the 1kg poor ausstreckt. This comes exactly trembling someday.
But what is the longest scene s.stück you know with tripod?
Nobody turns a half-hour s.stück.
I have extra built a rack on which I park the Glidecam and austarieren can. synonymous one must always re-adjust again. small example: I take the menu to the cam to operate a s.display pda-pen is usually in the hand strap s.der cam on. lack of the true founding Ballance already no more. I have the Glidecam a macro cross-slide mounted with the wonderful, I can adjust. synonymous people there are who say, when the DV tape is s.anfang the whole Ballance another as if the band is quite s.schluss. even the smallest change in weight shift brings a tripod from the equilibrium.
'll see if I have a few pictures of the frame can upload somewhere
I do think the scene on the steg realistic. it has so far I can remember not even a direction change in it. everything goes straight
and one more thing .... without exercise does nothing
for good pictures requires a lot of exercise. So let your first pictures of abschreken not.
s.den me what "small" and was fascinated Glidecam is that how big are constructed (ring bearings and the rod just) do not like many others with shaft and bow. So I'm overjoyed with the gc2000 :-)
do you think that with the archos might fold?
I would be very interested in how you solve
so I think I'm here synonymous times NEN account which I do not always "anonymous" as the guest must write.
gruss aus der schweiz
Antwort von jazzy_d:

even had already NEN account :-)
not only more thought on it
Antwort von Supe:

Hello folks!
First, thanks for the feedback our tips.
Sure, it was only a first impression and 3.5 kg (Cam + tared GC) are not chicken style. Further practice and tare certainly follows.
What struck me at the demo video is irritated that the Cam when neither pros and Back, even after the left-right axis to rotate. The I get the best will not do.
True is certainly that the GC with two hands must operate. The tripod does so in name only so, otherwise it was HooverStick. But the weight load on the arm is quite high. This would certainly be transferred to your body, if you use a vest.
The frame with which I would be interested synonymous.
If so with the Archos works as presented, then I post images synonymous times.
Antwort von Maxisoft2:

Thought to myself, I am synonymous times :-).
Have synonymous since March 4000 per a Glidecam - With Vest, however - and must tell you I am more than satisfied, and you can calm down, after his month looks like this as the flight over the web ;-).
Kannst dir ja gerne mal view the post that I wrote: viel spass.
- MS
Antwort von Cocoa_Magazin:

I sell my straight. Michael Pilipp 0151.15354343
Antwort von jazzy_d:

Here now as promised the link to my Park-and-frame alignment:
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
The tip with the vest did not come about of how I found out. Although I regularly (3x/Wo.) Intense Krafttrining doing so, the Gedrehe quite nicely into the arms. In the case of my HDR-HC3 I need no vest, because I tinkered me an arm to the arm through better distribution of support forces well relieved.
For the
Antwort von Shalveon:

I am speaking as a fresh XH A1 owners synonymous times.
Undzwar my thought: Before I Manfrotto 525/503 me up, I invest the money into a better tripod (Glidecam 4000) - I need only enough Zusprüche and absolution to spend the money :-)
Oh, and: Where's the s.Günstigsten?
Buy used synonymous.
Alternatives in this price range there are probably enough.
DIY? Go with me just wrong. But if someone build me the mag - I was happy to take bids opposite. :-)
Best Regards
Antwort von Shalveon:

Bruno - only now I was on your page. Impressive!
From me you get the private Oscar for innovative money saving ideas! :-)
Baust so synonymous me one? * * megabreitanstrahl
I take s.besten both. Statically and dynamically. :-))
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Before I Manfrotto 525/503 me up, I invest the money into a better tripod (Glidecam 4000) What do you think how much% of your shots you'll make:
- Freehand
- Tripod
- Monopod
- Body tripod
- Tripod
Antwort von Shalveon:

How exactly is hard to say.
I prefer, however, dynamic camera shots.
Would like to get more feeling in the scenes to build.
(Film flair)
In addition, recordings of "top" - ie directors or similar.
So the idea s.ein tripod - and I thy body tripod synonymous klasse finde.
As I said: I would like your two. :-)
Basically, it's not about the tripod, but what the film should get out. And I would hope that either really quiet images - or just soft rides. Horizontal, vertical as synonymous.
Best Regards
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Horizontal, vertical as synonymous. With the tripod?
Antwort von Shalveon:

No matter what - what you recommend for this?