Frage von Die Talla:
I bought myself a new gestures PC, with the following configuration:
Intel Core i7-920 Processor and
(6 GB of memory, the work is rich enough?)
And one XFX Radeon HD 4890 1 GB graphics card,
the first two Festpaten
hard drive has 500 GB of this is synonymous to the operating system is installed and the
hatt second hard drive should be 1.5 TB on the films for cutting.
Now a friend told me that I need another next Festpaten would be able to work perfectly.
On the first Festpaten the operating system should be installed and be the editing program.
On the second hard drive, the film raw material should be.
And on the third Festpaten the editing software should make the cut or spokes.
Is this right so I really need a third Festpate to edit HD movies to be able to optimally.
Do I have to note something in the configuration?
I thank you ever taken your help!
Antwort von Morton:

Your system is already quite strong and may rather require no third hard drive. Because: The system partition is during editing of Windows or the editing program s.sich claimed barely. You certainly have enough memory that the editing program and other Programs and data can be loaded into memory and thus the system partition will not be significantly burdened.
Therefore you can use it confidently order to save the video output on it too.
It is best if the buzzing your source files to another hard drive. For there have indeed synonymous schonmal multiple files simultaneously read, written to be only a single file, is well on the system partition space.
Antwort von KrischanDO:

You have a 64bit operating system? Otherwise evaporate the 6 GB of RAM in half.
Your editing program can use more than 3 GB?
I have 8 GB and Vista 64, my Premiere Pro CS4 has probably not really much of it, because while it is certified for 64 bit, but is only a 32bit software.
I have three disks: 1 OS, 2 Pictures, 3 Video.
On the video disk are synonymous, the source files and work files. Delays are of rather strange Vista pauses for reflection (; synonymous in other programs) as of the one plate.
Antwort von Starter:

So I am using synonymous Pinnacle Studio12 Ultimate and have:
1 system disk with Windows on it and editing software
1 hard drive for temporary render files
1 hard drive as an archive for music, and video Stillimage
Everything works super and sauschnell ...
Antwort von Die Talla:

I thank you all for your quick reply!
Then I think I'll build me a still yet a third Festpate.
@ Christian,
I bit on the PC Vista Ultima 64th yes editing program can use more than 3 GB.
Can two synonymous editing program on a PC without the use of problems Canopus Edius 5 will be better than Pinnacle Studio 12 Ultimate, I would like to test this again?
Antwort von kalle70:

If my films through the sale of hard disks will be better tomorrow, I just buy three, no 5 additional hard disks to my 6, I already have. ^ ^
Antwort von B.DeKid:

So I'd rather invest in a good NAS that the plates every few hours or every few minutes, depending on the workflow reflects.
The more worthwhile!
You can synonymous Partitioning hard drive I have on it always 4 partitions
On a single plate
Private Sub Main Office
I let the mirror every few hours, say the BackUp Software kuckt where what has changed and is similar to that. Once a week I let the NAS disks mirrored. (; Even on the most important DAT files)
B. DeKid
PS I have to create separate computer for more private, which I back up every few weeks.
Recommendation ALWAYS SYNC is Freeware and really sharp tasks for sollche.
Antwort von kalle70:

I let the mirror every few hours, say the BackUp Software kuckt where what has changed and is similar to that. Once a week I let the NAS disks mirrored. (; Even on the most important DAT files)
. Wow!
I suspect that rather a creeping paranoja!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Nah not really, but as I draw almost every day 4 to 6 hours in HP or build 3D models and sculptural, there is always change within the projects.
Can you even once one of the Speeddraw videos Looking and then see what I mean.
(; on such ideas, we sometimes get in the middle of the night as the side of fun ;-)) It would be really stupid if after half an hour Fein tuneing can not save directly synonymous throughout.
Many steps synonymous days s.den fit exactly where they fit halt ... as much as Spielerrei while the one is the difficulty again, "said
riff "
BackUp and it is a tool once installed, it can still synonymous every few minutes / hour times synonymous check what has changed and if necessary adjust the.
The Weekly backups are strictly necessary for security.
Because I've already synonymous desöfteren times here and there a plate lost the last few years, but by good backup has always been limited.
Also I'm a friend of Winrar and QuickPar .... there's really nothing lost and may need to be summoned again in minutes.
B. DeKid
So I really synonymous save in money, as I sit up all himself and that create the macros. Furthermore, I am indeed kümmer Private synonymous Calculator to friends of friends or other small firms. There is the real advantage of if one via a button which can save time, what seemed to be lost. Is faster than if I (; try) to Recover thing ;-)