Infoseite // Google Earth video

Frage von coolsurfing:


I'm trying out a google earth tour to make a video.
I have already tried the following:
- Various capture programs (eg, Fraps, Auto Screen Recorder)
- Goggle Earth Pro (trial version) with Movie Maker

In all these tests the video jerky always pretty, unlike the original, when I tour in Google Earth itself play.
I have several codecs and compression settings and tried, but really not all that has brought much

I then take a video camcorder s.meine out there connected and recorded. That is a lot better, but too small?

Can you help me next, either I get the shakes away, or the video is on my camcorder do?

Perhaps one has a working combination synonymous?

My hardware is:
Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz
2.5 GB Dual Channel RAM
graphics card Geforce 4 Ti 4800 SE

Thank you.




Antwort von grovel:

Google Earth live on capture overwhelmed all PCs.

Just the tour in slow motion and depart every second a Picture Capture. Then s.Schluss images 25fps to join.

SeeYa Groveler


Antwort von steve:

This message has already decomposed ...


Antwort von Gast 0815:

Look here:

Greetings from Marburg


Antwort von Markus:

"steve" wrote: Although Stone Age plugs: Abfilmen.
I would for the sake of simplicity to make synonymous. The result is really okay.

Learn More:
" Screen Capturing? (TFT, CRT is not!)
" Abfilmen of LCD screen (focusing)


Antwort von Chezus:

How is because the PD 150 to the said tube frequency, or better said, how can I s.besten the TV picture abfilmen? We found rumprobiert and erziehlt passable results, but it was not the hammer.


Antwort von Markus:

The exposure time of a PD150 (or any other PAL camcorder) you have not set a particular way, if you have a PAL Television abfilmt. This is never particularly good. ;-)


Antwort von Chezus:

Dacht ich mir schon. So yes, I've always chosen the best setting.
I am :-))


Antwort von superurmel:

So I do not jerky.

AMD 2500 +

You must display the screen of the output to PAL size make. Astrein Video recorded with Fraps.



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