Frage von evildead79:
Hello dear experts!
I have in the past 2 years, a lot of concerts filmed and would now like to produce a proper time for a music video tape.
The tape has made the proposal the artwork on the current CD pack in the background and place a live performance from it.
Is it possible to inexpensively build your own green box, in which a five-piece tape can break loose? I think that perhaps the lighting is a problem ..) by the rapid movements of the musicians (rock band.
Perhaps you know a few addresses where you can rent a green box? Maybe even in the Frankfurt area? Thank you for your help!
Antwort von Nio:

Well, I do not know ... Stop rock bands need space. So, for my Bluecreen I have enough material for about 7-8 ¬ per square meter purchased. Ichn think many would be 3 m in height, 10m in width you would for the costs in the amount of substances to get 210 to 240 ¬.
Lighting as I can empfelen such site spotlights. But nichtg under 500 watts.
Antwort von evildead79:

Can you tell me a good provider for such a substance? Kauftips? Thx
Antwort von evildead79:

Hab grad found himself a good site:
Antwort von jpsaenz:
or ebay! 26catref% 3DC6 & bs = Find & fsop = 1 & fsoo = 1 & sargn =- 1% 26saslc% 3D3 & sadistic = 200 & fpos = Postleitza & ga10244 = 10425 & ftrt = 1 & ftrv = 1 & = & saprclo saprchi =
Antwort von Phyro-Mane:

@ Mods: Can someone edit the eBay link? Parses the entire layout.
@ Asker:
Cheap green screen fabric at Ikea, there under the name "Ditte.
Synonymous is very cheap, I mean, it 3Euro per square meters.
Antwort von evildead79:

Thank you! So I am now well stoffmäßig advice.
What have you done so s.Erfahrungen with the lighting? Would it be better perhaps outdoor filming?
How exactly you have to actually take it with shadows, different light sources, light reflection, etc.? What creates the software?
Thank you very much.
Antwort von Phyro-Mane:

I prefer to shoot indoors, since it has as complete control over the lighting.
The green screen and de Starring be separately illuminated.
a lighting system (2 Bauscheinwerfer with diffuser / Frost disc) and one for the actor varies (depending on what you exactly need for lighting)
Shadows should be avoided completely on the green screen!
It is important that the performer is a few meters away from the green screen so that the green screen
1. can be well lit
2. is blurred, which folds etc, also "invisible" can be.
To "What creates the software: When it Ausgangssituatiom the suitable material is good, this is evenly lit and is wrinkle-free and the camera is set correctly (color settings, white balance) and good quality has really nothing can go wrong.
I have already made under rather poor conditions very good results with Video Deluxe.
Promising in my opinion looks like this here: =
Antwort von Markus:

is it a proper video camera for the job available? DV-one does not rotate because of the 4:2:0-Farbsamplings and the attendant problems Keyen.
Alternatively, instead of the Greenbox would Chromakey synonymous for a white-or black box for Lumakey into question. The latter can be synonymous with DV-compressed video recordings to implement a high quality.
Learn More:
Antwort von evildead79:

Have a 3CCD DV camcorder. I'm so synonymous them s.eine Greenbox build or rent.
My interest now lies on the "Chromaflex process" of
The background is light-reflecting material. On the camera there is a light emitting ring in green or blue. Thus one can supposedly hinbekommen with the DV camera the whole thing very well. Clean edges.
It has been synonymous not this expense / problems with the right light or shadows.
In Wiesbaden, thus quite close to me, you can be such an equipment (whole loan). Price per week EUR 190. Leider gibts background max. in 2.1 x 2.1 m.
For this reason, I'll have to shoot every single musician.
Lake Yea
Antwort von Markus:
Have a 3CCD DV camcorder. I'm so synonymous them s.eine Greenbox build or rent.
My interest now lies on the "Chromaflex process" of Um, and where is the difference? One is lit, the other reflecting the colored light. Remains the same: Both systems work with the Chroma, the camcorder with 4:2:0-Farbsampling.
Antwort von evildead79:

Hmm, quite complicated the whole thing. Hab nochmal n bissl rummage on the Internet. To the procedure of reflective media to find a variety of information, just like Luminance Key. Some say that it works with the DV Cam and others deny it again. Probably the pudding is in the eating!?
The possibility of you called me, but very interested. I think that it is the cheapest option. Synonymous So I can build a virtual set, which is large enough for the entire tape. That's my goal synonymous.
Unfortunately I have not found a decent article about the luminance and the procedure results. Is often recommended to the program of Canopus Edius.
Can anyone recommend me a substance (as sufficient for even the normal bed sheets?)? Aufbautips? Actors wear black, white canvas must be illuminated still further?
Thank you!
Am 12.08. we go for it ...
MfG Evildead
Antwort von Markus:
Actors wear black, white canvas must be illuminated still further? Yes, they should. Not least because of the background should be slightly brighter than any subject in the foreground.
If you are the canvas easy (so they overexpose pure white) and the foreground is slightly underexpose the same time, then you have the correct postpro not much. ;-)