Frage von diekehle:
So I will be in February my first green screen video and make synonymous'm really well prepared. It is a music video for an Independent Artist. The video will look like this, so the presentation style and produce
Now to the matter, we want a belly dancer abfilmen the synonymous accordingly be a bear costume. Now I'm afraid of the veil so transparent is the green screen gets through and then I have errors, or not clever gekeyed get. Has anyone experience? Costume is black here n times Picture how the thing looks like:
zum Bild
Furthermore, I have a few questions in order to properly dispose of Lighting I:
2 KinoFlo 4ft 4bank (with ballast, cable, bracket, grid)
Level 1 HMI 575W Arri (with ballast, flicker-free, dimmable)
Level 1 HMI 400W Kobold (with ballast, flicker-free, dimmable)
The Camera: Canon XM2 or SonyFX-1 (which would be best?)
what I have is an exquisite light following schema:
The HMI's are so variable, depending on the light position I want. important, however, only be (with the HMI's) the person auszuleuchten. The Kinoflo the green screen cloth Richtig so?
zum Bild
Would be cool for each stimulus or assistance which would be observed, I want to avoid errors in advance. I know that it is equal to assi the first post office, a million questions. but I've used the search and ask for confirmation of my project:)
Danke schon mal.
16:9 or 4:3? tend to 4:3 what do you think? 16:9 format will be! happens then composing!
Antwort von DeeZiD:

schatten to pass up! (as you have it or do not want
Antwort von DeeZiD:

Has anyone even n to the veil of what to say would be extremely important for me!
Antwort von DWUA:

Hold a "veil" of whatever color, sometimes against the light.
Light comes through?
If so, it is translucent.
He is the "wavelength" of light no preference.
Whether Diaphanes, semitransparent, coloreszent, iridescent or
Once your "green" - or any other screen is visible, its light is donating, where he kindly not to do something, there are problems afterwards.
Perhaps the body contours of the belly dancer (depending on the movement and Lighting) clearly visible, as the veil usually
should disguise. (synonymous: Faltenwurf useless!)
To your
second Youtubelink.
Body Shadows vs. Drop Shadow in monochrome landscape
diffuse light conditions:
1. Backlight:
Image search:
> "Caspar David Friedrich" (page 168 years dead).
2. Drop Shadow:
Image search:
> "Giorgio de Chirico" (dead for 30 years).
(here, deliberately disturbing extreme use drop shadows;
Pittura metafisica feature.)
3. Body with minimal light shade:
Image search:
> "George De La Tour" (since 356! Years dead).
Your claim that "is not really realistic scream ..." is
too simple at first created. Why in advance under pile?
Alienate, are surreal, you can still see.
What is the music for the "belly dancer"?
Where do they dance?
Try it about studying?
Both as synonymous!
Antwort von thos-berlin:

The classic Chromakey knows me: only two states for the display of an image point: the foreground or background. It generates no partial transparency or alpha channels.
When the keyer so that the veil is visible, it will probably synonymous behind the Color durchschimmern covered by the veil is different (slightly) and therefore is not punched.
Adjusts man so that the Green synonymous then disappears, the veil is probably mitverschwinden.
I suspect that you have multiple key types combine / lay on top of each other have, so the result fits halfway. To look at the background color is not fundamentally the Picture versaut would have a recording on a white or black background better. Then with assorted Luma-key and mask types herumexperimentieren.
I think because zBszwei on each other the opportunity Lumakeys, whereby one half (like a crossfade) lies on the other. The "semi" key so that the veil is not mitgestanzt, the other so that it will weggestanzt. This should be where the veil is the background transparent shimmer.
Is only a conceptual approach. Please s.Kostüm try and calm the results posted here :-) The dances Reinhartshausen needed for the tests, not to be there, her doll and costume s.einer especially the veil should weggespannte once rich. Thus, you can try whatever way to get in the Studio with dancer has the right background are searched ....
Because the costume is black, is probably only as a white background. Dirty punches comment because as a white edge. That is certainly not as annoying as if suddenly a blue or founder Rand appears ...
Maybe it works even with a Chromakey ...
Please think out your results to post here, those who you helped with your idea that would ensure a feedback and those who have similar Porblem, then immediately get a solution.
Antwort von eXp:

Hi first thanks for your tips I know they would be once the center is rotating, I will post the result here and you reflect my experiences. Thanks to Google for the good tips that helps next. The belly dancer is not belly dance Krumper but who knows not just youtube and then enter Krump. scene is generally oversubscribed and Saturated landscapes with its high contrast, I'm curious myself if I achieved what I planned.
Until then and THX