Frage von maxpower:Hello!
It is currently only available to me, my videos via USB to capture. How can I use Firewire? Actually, none of this is that the GS230 has a Firewire port. Only AV, DV, USB. What cable can I use the firewire port of my laptop use? Bin überfragt something.
Lg and thank you in advance!
Antwort von Markus:
DV = Firewire
See synonymous:
FireWire FAQ">1. (b) Firewire or USB?
Antwort von cisco-2k:
Just a 4 to 6 pin i link (DV or Firewire) cable to buy. First stöpseln then play:)
Antwort von Markus:
Just a 4 to 6 pin i link (DV or Firewire) cable to buy. Most laptops have only 4-pin Firewire ports. Since it would be called not the correct cable.