Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Guides: Guides: What Sandy Bridge brings the DV editing 13:39:00? Of rudi - January 4, 2011 > Yes, Intel has now officially left at CES its new processor generation, "Sandy Bridge" from the stack. In this case, should i7 series of interest mainly for video cutter, the new desktop series, the Core and Core i5.
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Antwort von Alf_300:

A little thing would be there to note
Antwort von filmfix:

Intel builds video copy protection in new chips
Technology should reduce the spread of copies - feature of the chip-generation "Sandy Bridge"
Intel offers the film industry a new technology against the proliferation of copies. Even before the official start of the new generation of chips "Sandy Bridge" s.Mittwoch on the consumer electronics show CES in Las Vegas was announced that the new processors include a hardware copy protection that the difference is not about software solutions for the protection of copyright will be to crack.
At the same time
The video technology with the name "Intel Inside" enables the copy-protected Purchase synonymous or the loan of HD video with a "Sandy Bridge" computer, told the technology blog "Engadget". Intel had already made such arrangements with the online video service CinemaNow and the film producers Warner Brothers. It was planned to provide new films online the same time with the release on DVD or Blu-ray.
"Sandy Bridge" includes double-and quad-core processors
The generation of chips with the name "Sandy Bridge" includes double-and quad-core processors for notebooks and desktop computers that integrate the graphics chip (GPU) for output of images with the central processing unit (CPU) for data calculations in a single component. In the first test of different trade media improved by 10 percent to 50 percent was calculated. Also, the Intel-rival AMD CPU and GPU in a single chip. This product family with the name "Fusion" was s.Dienstag in Las Vegas. First computer with the new processors are expected in the current quarter. (APA / dpa)
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Buying Guide What does Sandy Bridge for DV editing ...? Has a hidden deeper meaning that their fabricated lately so many double posts?
Antwort von blip:
Has a hidden deeper meaning that their fabricated lately so many double posts? Crack in the Matrix ...? No, probably not - the threads on the editorial magazines messages are indeed of a script generated automatically, and there seems to have adjusted something. Until now it was easier to delete the double post, but we will on occasion even go to the troubleshooting.
Antwort von mann:

"Intel video chip, a new copy protection built in - technology is to reduce the spread of copies - the feature-generation chip Sandy Bridge"
Hopefully Intel will swallow s.dieser toad, but is ne mess, what do they want to force the end user there, synonymous illegal, because under German law, a private copy for such use in the family or kinship frame allowed and perfectly legal.
Such near-monopolies or oligopolies, such as Intel are so far the very last, where you can truly wish for the plague s.den neck.
Antwort von filmfix:
... Buying Guide What does Sandy Bridge for DV editing ...?
Has a hidden deeper meaning that their fabricated lately so many double posts? if I'm not mistaken, it seemed the other referring to me (still) not to, then I've only seen the show more time ...
Antwort von Valentino:

One has not always buy everything that Intel will stand firm on the market.
Quite apart from the video acceleration of the Sandy Bridge is supported almost exclusively of consumer programs, the users of Avid or Cinema 4D uses not much. The Adobe Group has already CDUA her, for what then Sandy Bridge?
Between my old P4 3.0Ghz with HT and my new calculator with a 3.0Ghz Quad Core Xenon are about five years.
At the beginning I've considered synonymous to the new Sandy Bridge to wait for myself but then opted for the slightly older X58 chipset.
Until then, it is priced boards with x78 chipset is destined for another year go by.
Antwort von WoWu:

In addition, Intel is not the only one Manufacturer, moves in this area.
The AMD solution could there be much better:
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... We will go on occasion look at the troubleshooting ... Just ask the usual conspiracy experts in the forum: When in doubt, RED is to blame me or Apple or at least an iPhone ... ;-)
Antwort von DSLR-Freak:
... We will go on occasion look at the troubleshooting ...
Just ask the usual conspiracy experts in the forum: When in doubt, RED is to blame me or Apple or at least an iPhone ... ;-) That's bullshit. You want only incite the crowd. Only black and white black and white. I do not know where the codec makes the pixels are white. Previously they had tape still in the hands, now here is the dog in the pan crazy.
If Intel thinks Sandy land with a big throw, then I say only: Up in the east. It's really a Frechtheit with Bench-replace to want to stir up the market. Who is to put an end? Mandy?
Have a nice evening. A Scheißwut I have.
Antwort von Alf_300:

Is quite interesting to read what the future holds, but there is no reason to panic, as the wheel turns next to the next RPC1 Bios update (if it is sometimes far has indeed run at least 10 years old Calculator)