I am currently in the process give me a professional cutting room set. Now I am still desperately in search of the right monitor. There should be a HD Ready LCD Moitor be. My price limit is around 3000 euros. Can someone help me?
Many greetings Schlumpi
Antwort von DerSchmidt:
Hello Schlumpi,
maybe this one: http://panasonic-broadcast.com/index.cfm?uuid=A130E452C09F11269B89B84D8643F16D&CatID=4301
the 26 inch is ok, maybe there in a system a "demo" model.
Regards, Jürgen F.
Antwort von HeikoS:
Eizo CE240 DI, Eizo CG241, Quato 240
But do not ask me what I would prefer, I'm even fairly inconclusive.