Frage von charletto:
have today in our company a camera team from ZDF for a consignment or reportage, the s.Freitag sent. Sure there was the team and the equipment, would be galling for me. Was shot in Digi Beta and to my questions, I received clear answers as far as synonymous. HD format is it only in the earliest 4 a.m. to 5 p.m. years and then give a clear 720p.
Filmed at ZDF, as well as most stations are still in Digi Beta - synonymous if seeehr many as say something else! The entire HDV market is still fairly s.Anfang - but it is obviously good for the industry due to bona fide customers - but the TV Standard will now not change the past, for the next one will be switching to 16:9 and then only slowly on the HD format übergegriffen - except of course some test films or test broadcasts .... Somehow all the funny and in my eyes, actually a Riesenverarschung around the Camera Manufacturer and what then happens in the post - or you see things differently?
Antwort von deti:

That up there is a rather confused idea of unfiltered stream. What do you want us to tell us?
- 16:9 is now standard on all productions,
- HDTV is synonymous in the future hochskaliertes SDTV in the program to have
- The proportion of HD productions is steadily increasing.
Freu dich, that you at home today an HD Camera and a matching Glotze searched. You have absolutely no idea how many conversions and preparations for a television station and its suppliers are necessary to a bit of HDTV on the air to bring.
Antwort von Marco:

Was it perhaps a free cameraman who does not really know what is running? S.2010 HDTV is synonymous for ZDF be an issue. For TV productions will certainly not
predominantly on DigiBeta rotated, because that would be too expensive, impractical and the camera people would queue at the orthopedists.
Antwort von charletto:

or maybe better said, I'll give to that I had written something confusing. But the fact is simple, if I as an ordinary day without great knowledge in HG NEN Laden go, no preference whether it is now, after stinginess is cool or the competition is red, the full HDV standard? shall be subject to so formally imposed, because the HD TV is therefore already in the autumn at the latest synonymous with us, the same is true for so synonymous Cams or software - and that's what nunmal massively disturbs me personally. Hats stinknormale ne good Cam, with which you're happy and good movies do, because somewhere lagging behind, because all HDV as the ultimate praise and basically will sell you something, which actually does not correspond to reality. I speak now exclusively use the rich heritage - and at the TV stations it does not look much different - with a few exceptions, which I at least had the conversation today clarified. And precisely because the potential for such a conversion, it is currently not at all planned! At least if I believe the statements may
Antwort von deti:

Is it cheese. SDTV is dead - synonymous today! That is still on the air, is the great expense of a conversion to HDTV owe. Already today, many video journalists to run with popligen HDV and AVCHD cameras in the consumer class rum and filming for their reports. What the cameras s.Bildqualität supply is downscaled to SD first broadcast - and it would be synonymous with HD is still very handsome.
You should not forget that the whole computer scrap in the consumer segment, not even close s.das rankommt what the HD cameras.
So where is the "Verarsche"? Perhaps the fact that we used to spend ~ 20k ¬ had a good camera to get and now 500 ¬ sufficient ;-)
Here is what the plans of ARD and ZDF in relation to HDTV:
Guckst synonymous du mal hier:,342/666786
Antwort von charletto:

If you think it is so, then it's just so ....
Only I had the interview, I shoot in HDV and even to know enough about the quality - and especially the cost of this is operated!
Despite the quality I've found not a single synonymous, his film as BR have wanted - but as a DVD - somehow funny ... if it is the ultimate standard?
And plans for the TV stations are on the tables, clear - they can be synonymous in folders ... and are on shelves - or not?
Antwort von deti:

Believe me, the work just massively s.der implementation of their plans and keep the schedule, because I am sure.
I'm somewhat sensitive to what critics s.den public broadcasting is concerned - to pay my salary.
Antwort von Marco:

If such plans in such institutions only on the tables and in the drawers would be, nobody would dare in public appointments in a time frame such as this must be mentioned.
Antwort von charletto:

The 'Vorwurf'gilt in no way synonymous only a single institution that you have misunderstood - only Verkausstradegien of the Manufacturer and - dealers, each of the' Laien'einfach only fools!
So, please do not take personally!
Antwort von charletto:
If such plans in such institutions only on the tables and in the drawers would be, nobody would dare in public appointments in a time frame such as this must be mentioned.
Marco That was synonymous only personally reported the time frame of the cameraman - and not confirmed of parent body!
Antwort von Marco:

The cameraman said of that time frame is so synonymous is incorrect. Correctly (and the press publicly announced) is the date 2010 for ARD and ZDF.
Antwort von Alex_HH:

synonymous if the public broadcasters to pay the salary (mine sometimes synonymous, incidentally) so you can be objective. (This is not to say that you're not)
Originally we should get the 2006 World Cup in HDTV, then Beijing in 2008 so now Vancouver 2010 ... because you can already be a little suspicious.
And that the public service, like all other broadcasters synonymous in Germany probably will be sent in 720p, is naturally synonymous anyone tied to the nose (synonymous in your link to the ZDF not).
This would indeed synonymous HDTV HD Ready panel with 720 lines are sufficient, if not even more appropriate. Sure you have not necessarily occur widely, if you want to sell FullHD Television.
Nothing for ungut!
Antwort von Alex_HH:

Have just seen that one but what about 720p can read if you click on another link.
Antwort von Marco:

720p50 is the recommendation of the EBU and it does not look like it now, as if the public service to another bet.
"Originally we should get the 2006 World Cup in HDTV, then Beijing 2008" The two dates for small test tracks. The 2010s-scheduling has a different weighting. Of course, there are for this launch date is no guarantee. But that is not synonymous, but that it is now not just a theoretical plan, but that has long worked purposefully s.der implementation is (and the details about the cameraman does not act competently).
Antwort von Alex_HH:

I was a year ago when I watched my 1080i HDV Cam bought synonymous with an EB-cameraman for Public Legal entertained. The time was synonymous to me absolutely nothing to say about HDTV.
Since I was quite surprised that I knew about mher than him.
The flat has its Digi-Beta, rotates so that each day and ready. If a new format, it is probably a little incorporated and the rest not so interested in him wahnsinng. Yes Do not synonymous. The quality of a shoot depends now of so many factors s.and very little of the resolution.
The resentment is so synonymous more s.die industry to a many years tells you that very soon a lot of HDTV will see on TV and of course you need 1080x1920 panels.
Antwort von charletto:

Hi Alex,
as it is - and I wanted so synonymous have said eingagngs!
Antwort von tillbaer:

So I listen for about 15 years that HDTV is coming very soon. The doubts s.genannten dates are absolutely understandable. When I of SD to HDV changed, I noticed above all: The downscaled SD DVD's looked at once a lot better. For this quality I would have to SD Times XL2 at least one must have. This was only about 5x as expensive as ne HV30. And thus it agrees with the one that markets with artificially fueled forecasts (as is synonymous to buyers who believe), but this transition was for me a huge profit.
I wonder in the implementation of 720p, however, nevertheless, whether the large-scale FreeTV soon to come, or whether extra-Tribune. In addition, we are still loose 10 years old SD material in numerous repetitions.
The thread runs BluRay yes a very similar discussion. What if we were always less television and more and more content via the Internet to consume? Nobody knows really how it all develops. I only know one thing:
In my standard tube TV s.and come to brilliant documentaries and features - I have a feeling with the increasing technical quality of a diminishing substantive quality. To that extent I would if I could choose, for the maintenance of SD under Introduction of HQTV ;-)
I wish all a good night with dreams in HD (but please no block artifacts).
Greetings - Til.
Antwort von Alex_HH:

True! ARD and ZDF to broadcast HDTV, so does not mean that we are on cable or DVB-T in the living room get.
I have the impression that (specifically) DVB-T data rates so low, that even SDTV often looks scary. These blocks can be observed education (especially for lightning flash) is located but s.der data, right?
Antwort von r.p.television:
True! ARD and ZDF to broadcast HDTV, so does not mean that we are on cable or DVB-T in the living room get.
I have the impression that (specifically) DVB-T data rates so low, that even SDTV often looks scary. These blocks can be observed education (especially for lightning flash) is located but s.der data, right? DVB-T is a joke! Who has believed that with the introduction of DVB-T is a quality improvement occurs, it is really verarscht been ...
It's just cheaper to broadcasting, that's all ....
The only true is DVB-S. Even cable is old hat. Why should someone decide for me what I bandbreitenlimitierendes via a coax cable when I can watch the free and free choice on satellite with better quality have?
Antwort von deti:
DVB-T is a joke! Who has believed that with the introduction of DVB-T is a quality improvement occurs, it is really verarscht been ...
Not really - it's DVB-T2 and allowing for better error protection synonymous higher bandwidths.
It's just that DVB-T in the dissemination of an almost vanishingly small part. Most viewers use DVB-S and DVB-C (which is about 85% of the market) - the remaining 10-15% are DVB-T and other technologies. Therefore, the expansion of DVB-T2 at a later date pushed forward.
The only true is DVB-S. Even cable is old hat. Why should someone decide for me what I bandbreitenlimitierendes via a coax cable when I can watch the free and free choice on satellite with better quality have? The truth is that over DVB-S less bandwidth than DVB-C is possible (up to 64Mbit / s). This DVB-S2 is roughly equivalent to DVB-C. Only when the DVB-S2 mode 16/32APSK would be (not intended for broadcast), then such a transponder would have a higher bandwidth than DVB-C.
That the cable operator, the digitization of broadcasting as a way to introduce CA to see, is absolutely worthy of criticism. The stupid thing is that the infrastructure that will cost a lot of money, which it certainly is impossible Programs as FTA einzuspeisen. Only when societies recognize that the burden of encryption, card management and support are not worth the money are returning them desist. The German market is also quite dead for CA and it is probably because of the clear strategy of the FTA Örn remain synonymous.
However, there are positive exceptions synonymous with the cable operators: Sun used as the KMS ( only CA, where synonymous via DVB-S CA is made.
Perhaps a word on 720p vs. 1080i: You do not really believe that their difference in terms of the resolution could look? But what at first glance, is how beautifully soft and clean images are 50p. The only right decision is for a progressive format! The Skip method is a relic from the gray early days of television, made out of necessity was born. At the present time there is nothing but trouble with interlaced formats, and there is no technical need for more!
That the Öffis because of the EBU / IRT recommendation go to 720p, is still a long way that it remains forever. There is so much more that 1080p50 target when it is technically standardized and is usable. Or in Color:
Antwort von veejay:

interesting discussion here.
To Marco: Yes, much of the cameramen at the stands or at least for orthopedic spine training courses and snake.
No, not the vast majority work with heavy Digibetas, but with very serious P2 cameras, other mills DVC-PRO, Beta SP and Digibetas, not to forget XDCAM etc.
Yes, more and more often is working with DV, but it is still the clear minority.
For free production companies, of which a sender never get used or sent, the radio houses naturally somewhat reluctant arg.
The format (content and form) must be very accurate in their respective slots fit.
And since it usually hooks.
Technique is one thing, but the content, history, must also carry sufficient.
HD (720p) is responsible for ARD and ZDF s.Vancouver 2010 onward, the third will probably be later in 2013, fully tighten.
Unless the viewers suffering through emigration is too strong.
Antwort von Jogi:

Recently I read the Bavarian Radio HD even in the king class "HDCAM SR" and invested with Sonyein treaty signed more than 90. So the public-sector invest in the future. RTL also invests in XDCAM HD units, although initially only on the SD Channel goes. The HDTV era is synonymous in Germany begun. You like us French are so far ahead!
Antwort von veejay:

HDCAM SR 90, I can not quite imagine. 9 perhaps, or 90 without SR
Aah yes now, here:
Bayerischer Rundfunk Opts for XDCAM HD 422 of Sony
As one of the major television stations in Europe, the BR on a filebasierte HD future with Sony Professional Disc
Berlin, November 2008 - The Bavarian Broadcasting, as part of an EU-wide tender for XDCAM HD 422 of Sonyals future format for high definition television production decision.
The BR has declared, in the next three years over 400 XDCAM HD 422 units to purchase. These include 98 of type PDW-700, 40 studio PDW-HD1500 decks, 192 Professional Disk Drives PDW-U1 and 77 Field Recorder. For the automated recording of the video material is still 3 XDCAM cart systems PDJ-A640 scheduled.
The BR consists of its decision with a clear sign the long-standing and close cooperation with Sonyweiterzuführen. After some of the foreign studios BR positive experiences with the XDCAM workflow in standard definition (SD) were synonymous and the new HD format, extensive testing was, again, the choice fell on Sony.
"Following the examination of XDCAM HD 422, we are delighted after Betacam and Digital Betacam again introduce a Sony format," explains Herbert Tillmann, director of production technology and the Bavarian Radio. "Especially synonymous because we are in the past years in regular dialogue with Sonybefanden - even with the engineers in Japan. So we could already in the development of format standards synonymous with our own process. "
The first
20 HD 422 XDCAM PDW-700 are fixed and are already ordered in early 2009 when BR arrive. The entire volume of the XDCAM HD 422-contract in the coming years until 2012. In addition, all devices in addition to an SD option. Thus, the sender maximum flexibility during the migration to HD guaranteed.
"Sonyhat in 2004, the XDCAM family with the world's first filebasierte and non-linear output format for the broadcast world market," said Goran Hantschel, Divisional Director, Sony Professional Solutions Europe.
"With the new XDCAM HD 422 products we are able to lead this expanding next. In contrast to pure solid-state memory solutions agreed on the XDCAM HD format in the ideal of uncompromising nature and workflow efficiency, data security and affordability in a future-proof medium. "
They are sophisticated with features and have other things on the bottom 2 / 3 "CCD Power HAD FX image sensors, recording in full HD 1080i and 720p, or progressive image data rates up to 50 Mbps. As a recording medium, the optical Professional Disc with a storage capacity of up to 50 GB is used. The data can be more than a thousand times and recorded more than a million times and be characterized by the production safety, capacity, and longtime archived from.
Related Links
Antwort von Daigoro:

The only true is DVB-S. So when I look at the data rate of HD Premiere on Astra to watch (there's somewhere ne real-time analysis to link grad verschlampt again), I'm not drunk - rather be Arefaktsturmt.
Decreases partly to 2komma Mbit / s.
DVB-S is a maximum of one-eyed among the blind.
Hochskalierte DVDs usually look better.
And what are the channels to purchase such trial is complete, while the pulp with MBit digit numbers at the customer arrives, you can of true HD "quality" is not really the question.
(I'm almost glad now when I "real" in 16:9 FreeTV bekomm - the send too much letterboxed movies and so Knoedelsender as RTL2 present a largely even in classic verhackstuecktem 4:3 - the fun ... )
Antwort von MacPro:

I was considering it seriously, my analogue satellite back into service to provide the data-rates, so the channel offering is the old analog CVBS Picture is usually much more pleasant anzuschaun.
And quite honestly, the same crap, with the DVB-S dovetailed has been found in DVB-S2 again: arteHD, EinsFestivalHD, AnixeHD and ORF HD .. they all look just in Comparison to grottig totkomprimiertem SD forged sender really from top. So enough for me synonymous a 42Zoll plasma at 3.5 meters distance. This has little to do with HDTV, but then disappear at least the artifacts and blurs and finally I see (moderate) HD images in top quality SD ;-)
The only true is DVB-S.
So when I look at the data rate of HD Premiere on Astra to watch (there's somewhere ne real-time analysis to link grad verschlampt again), I'm not drunk - rather be Arefaktsturmt.
Decreases partly to 2komma Mbit / s.
DVB-S is a maximum of one-eyed among the blind.
Hochskalierte DVDs usually look better.
And what are the channels to purchase such trial is complete, while the pulp with MBit digit numbers at the customer arrives, you can of true HD "quality" is not really the question.
(I'm almost glad now when I "real" in 16:9 FreeTV bekomm - the send too much letterboxed movies and so Knoedelsender as RTL2 present a largely even in classic verhackstuecktem 4:3 - the fun ... )
Antwort von Jogi:
HDCAM SR 90, I can not quite imagine. 9 perhaps, or 90 without SR
Aah yes now, here:
Bayerischer Rundfunk Opts for XDCAM HD 422 of Sony
As one of the major television stations in Europe, the BR on a filebasierte HD future with Sony Professional Disc
Berlin, November 2008 - The Bavarian Broadcasting, as part of an EU-wide tender for XDCAM HD 422 of Sonyals future format for high definition television production decision.
The BR has declared, in the next three years over 400 XDCAM HD 422 units to purchase. These include 98 of type PDW-700, 40 studio PDW-HD1500 decks, 192 Professional Disk Drives PDW-U1 and 77 Field Recorder. For the automated recording of the video material is still 3 XDCAM cart systems PDJ-A640 scheduled.
The BR consists of its decision with a clear sign the long-standing and close cooperation with Sonyweiterzuführen. After some of the foreign studios BR positive experiences with the XDCAM workflow in standard definition (SD) were synonymous and the new HD format, extensive testing was, again, the choice fell on Sony.
"Following the examination of XDCAM HD 422, we are delighted after Betacam and Digital Betacam again introduce a Sony format," explains Herbert Tillmann, director of production technology and the Bavarian Radio. "Especially synonymous because we are in the past years in regular dialogue with Sonybefanden - even with the engineers in Japan. So we could already in the development of format standards synonymous with our own process. "
The first 20 HD 422 XDCAM PDW-700 are fixed and are already ordered in early 2009 when BR arrive. The entire volume of the XDCAM HD 422-contract in the coming years until 2012. In addition, all devices in addition to an SD option. Thus, the sender maximum flexibility during the migration to HD guaranteed.
"Sonyhat in 2004, the XDCAM family with the world's first filebasierte and non-linear output format for the broadcast world market," said Goran Hantschel, Divisional Director, Sony Professional Solutions Europe.
"With the new XDCAM HD 422 products we are able to lead this expanding next. In contrast to pure solid-state memory solutions agreed on the XDCAM HD format in the ideal of uncompromising nature and workflow efficiency, data security and affordability in a future-proof medium. "
They are sophisticated with features and have other things on the bottom 2 / 3 "CCD Power HAD FX image sensors, recording in full HD 1080i and 720p, or progressive image data rates up to 50 Mbps. As a recording medium, the optical Professional Disc with a storage capacity of up to 50 GB is used. The data can be more than a thousand times and recorded more than a million times and be characterized by the production safety, capacity, and longtime archived from.
Related Links True, this makes more sense than SR. Either I bring something from each other or what I read war'ne false?
Antwort von Jan:

@ Charletto
With "my" chain has nothing to do anyway, because we are only 99% of consumer cameras to just over ¬ 1000 offer (eg HG 21).
Semiprokameras as XH A 1 or FX 7 & 1000 are only available in very few markets, media or Saturn to get.
The Red and Blue amateurs operate but does not guarantee professionals.
At the end you have to sell what the companies have a offer, PAL cameras are dead, the GS 330 was now set, I get no devices synonymous if I want to have.
If you have a good HD TV at home has already sees a big difference (synonymous an amateur) with an HD Cam - if he uses the correct components.
You may have an old cameraman asked, I know not a few are already quite long Digibeta "scrapped" and have the money if there was a lot of devices working with HD (HDV course more rare). But even at concerts now, I see hardly any PD 170 filmmakers (who were in the great superiority of a few years ago in the semi filmers) ....
Antwort von charletto:
@ Charletto
The Red and Blue amateurs operate but does not guarantee professionals.
If you have a good HD TV at home has already sees a big difference (synonymous an amateur) with an HD Cam - if he uses the correct components.
You may have an old cameraman asked, I know not a few are already quite long Digibeta "scrapped" and have the money if there was a lot of devices working with HD (HDV course more rare).
Jan Hi Jan,
in the red & blue, I said yes straight to the amateurs, these are actually s.meisten verarscht yes. For the professionals, it is somewhat difficult because there are very different costs and it also makes the requirements of the broadcasters - and provide the equipment so when the way to the pros before - he meant the camera men who were with the technology must work every day -- not separate into different areas - which are of course much more the way of the latest equipment ...
Antwort von Valentino:

They are sophisticated with features and have other things on the bottom 2 / 3 "CCD Power HAD FX image sensors, recording in full HD 1080i and 720p, or progressive image data rates up to 50 Mbps.
When the PDW 700 now synonymous everything what could Sonyda has promised it will take quite some time yet ne.
The first sample that I nearly half a year in the hand, could barely 1080i with 50 or 60 fields. Not even DV or IMX was possible, everything still comes with a new firmware.
When the Camera as 720p with 50 frames is synonymous still dominates so ne question.
Unlike Panasonic Sony is very behind with the standard of the EBU, Pana may have been the VARI Cam 50 full record.
1080p with 50 frames is one up on a few studio cameras are still very next removed. Just one Postpro with 50 frames is a big act, the burden of a 3D film equivalent. Who to see everything in the world needs sowas eigentlich?
I have recently started a LowBuget of 16mm film was rotated views (about 7m diagonal) and could have bet, which is an HDCAM master acts. Think it was just a very good DigiBeta master and a scale or the Beamer was voted aufeinadern well.
The film later on a 42 inch plasma and a low rate for the MPEG 2 "Ko * zen" look is almost everyday in DVB SD quality.
An upscaling of 720p entfallten Digibeta to Digibeta master all finally their full quality and the bit oversampling has never harmed.
Antwort von DWUA:
That up there is a rather confused idea of unfiltered stream. What do you want us to tell us? Translated this means that as a "minimum" cost 50 000
an "Optics" to the 2-3 fold.
Of the
many on the BR.
Sowas is not disposed of, just because you want to quickly
Cams has ordered 50.
Computed it!
About the
really expensive equipment, we prefer to remain silent.
The cost?
This is done by the GEZ.
For what ultimately across, is an analog
Satellite dish is sufficient.
Antwort von domain:

It is perhaps important to what we in a movie especially respects.
When it comes to the stamp pollinating bumble bees, or a sign of a eingepunzte pussy piercings, then HD video is really the right alternative.
But in my experience, especially women are interested in such things are not really sharp.
So, a fuzzy synonymous with wedding ceremony wedding march and fidelity to the text can still synonymous with tears 80 and stir only at the laughter and crying, it is in a movie, so I hold as an observer of the female soul, which sometimes can be quite sweet
Antwort von r.p.television:

The only true is DVB-S. Even cable is old hat. Why should someone decide for me what I bandbreitenlimitierendes via a coax cable when I can watch the free and free choice on satellite with better quality have?
The truth is that over DVB-S less bandwidth than DVB-C is possible (up to 64Mbit / s). This DVB-S2 is roughly equivalent to DVB-C. Only when the DVB-S2 mode 16/32APSK would be (not intended for broadcast), then such a transponder would have a higher bandwidth than DVB-C. In reality, however, I have DVB-C ever seen a worse performance. Why this was I do not know. Possibly s.den individual operators, the data throughput Save to accommodate more channels.
Furthermore, not every desired channel its way into the cable. On satellite, you still have the greatest choice - synonymous if 90% is crap.
Antwort von DWUA:

But in my experience, especially women are interested in such things are not really sharp ...
... as an observer of the female soul, which sometimes can be quite sweet ... If OT, then right:
Your "observations" and "experience" you need this
vastly enriched.
Otherwise you do not use them.
D ietlinde
W alburga
U la
A lmuth
ask: Do you have a
male soul?
The devil (stupidity) come out?
Do not be.
Antwort von domain:

ask: Do you have a male soul?
The male soul was always with me in Motorcycle & Still Image & Video & Diving & Porsche held.
Betimes, however, one recognizes the truly distinctive and delightful propensity of women nachZärtlichkeit, stroking and cuddling ..
Antwort von DWUA:

ask: Do you have a male soul?
The male soul was always with me in Motorcycle & Still Image & Video & Diving & Porsche held.
Betimes, however, one recognizes the truly distinctive and delightful propensity of women nachZärtlichkeit, stroking and cuddling .. Well, sooo bad this is not synonymous again.
No fear.
Leg 'times, or Percy Sledge Otis Redding on.
You'll be amazed.
Antwort von WoWu:

So when I look at the data rate of HD Premiere on Astra to watch (there's somewhere ne real-time analysis to link grad verschlampt again), I'm not drunk - rather be Arefaktsturmt.
Decreases partly to 2komma Mbit / s.
DVB-S is a maximum of one-eyed among the blind.
The duchschnittlichen data rates:
Premiere 1 - 4.0 Mbit / s
Premiere 2 - 4.1 Mbit / s
Premiere 3 - 3.7 Mbit / s
Premiere 4 - 3.9 Mbit / s
Fox - 3.5 Mbit / s
Film - 3.2 Mbit / s
Film Classics - 2.6 Mbit / s
Nostalgia - 3.4 Mbit / s
Disney Channel - 3.5 Mbit / s
Krimi - 3.9 Mbit / s
Animal Planet - 2.9 Mbit / s
Dis. History - 2.3 Mbit / s
Discovery Ch - 3.8 Mbit / s
Total Focus - 2.3 Mbit / s
Junior / B. U. TV - 2.5 Mbit / s
Jetix / Classica - 2.6 Mbit / s
SciFi - 2 Mbit / s
13th Street - 1.8 Mbit / s
MGM - 2.3 Mbit / s
Home channel - 2.5 Mbit / s
RTLCrime - 3.5 Mbit / s
RTLPassion - 3.2 Mbit / s
Hit 24 - 3.3 Mbit / s
Goldstar - 3.4 Mbit / s
Animax - 2.3 Mbit / s
Eurosport 2 - 3.2 Mbit / s
RTL Living - 3.3 Mbit / s
Sat.1 Comedy - 3.5 Mbit / s
Kabel Eins Classics - 3.4 Mbit / s
NASN Europe - 4.2 Mbit / s
Kinowelt TV - 3.4 Mbit / s
TCM - 3.2 Mbit / s
AXN - 2.4 Mbit / s
Romance TV - 4.3 Mbit / s
Playhouse - 2.1 Mbit / s
Toon Disney - 2.4 Mbit / s
Boomerang - 2.2 Mbit / s
E-Clips - 2.6 Mbit / s
MTV - 2.6 Mbit / s
MTV Entertainment - 2.8 Mbit / s
Nick Premium - 2.7 Mbit / s
Cartoon - 2.1 Mbit / s
Premiere HD Film
News - 10.1 Mbit / s
2007 - 18 Mbit / s
Discovery HD
News - 13 Mbit / s
2007 - 19 mbit / s
One must of course differ, whether in HD MPEG2 is made (such as decreasing in the U.S., as are 20 Mbit / s per Canal used) or AVC, with a correspondingly lower data rate for an identical image quality.
Antwort von deti:

... Here's the data of all kinds of transponders in Color and statistically over a period of up to 6 months regenerated:
Antwort von DWUA:

@ WoWu
Your list is a feast (text) for
rappers. Absolutely synonymous musikalisch exploited.
As the chorus:
After the
At least a big THANK YOU for your Libretto.
Antwort von WoWu:

.... like .....
Now I finally know what you do so from here ...
Long live the literary opera of the 21st Century
nothing for ungut ... :-)))
Antwort von DWUA:

[quote = "WoWu "].... like .....
Now I finally know what you do so from here ...
Fallacy. Have no idea yet what it is synonymous
above or below your horizon is limited.
Antwort von WoWu:

How do you know?
And anyway, it is important to know what is above or below the horizon is going on, if you know what it is happening?
Antwort von DWUA:

There is already a "literature-opera". Composer, libretto:
WoWu. (Yawn).
Antwort von WoWu:

What do us the great astrologer to say?
Antwort von DWUA:

Everyone is jealous of you. On your plate on copper fresh roasted
You can smell it up here as it smells.
Antwort von WoWu:

You see, so is this one gets its coffee for just $ 8 in plastic cups at Starbucks, and I just out of my kitchen. One treat is indeed nothing else.