Frage von Flankengott:
Hello dear community,
my name is Leonard'm 22 years old and am new here: D
I would love to get a buy rating or more for an HD camcorder. I hope it shrinks, given the long description not!
It concerns the following application:
The camcorder will accompany me mainly for fishing or fishing trips. That is, I want a camcorder that is used mostly outdoors in nature / landscape. I am one with the road weather, so there should be no factors that could damage the sensitive equipment. I do not have even filmed in the rain.
I want to make the device with one hand, video recordings during the day, for example, of the animal life on the water, as synonymous of the fish in the water, and of the nature around it. On the other hand may be synonymous video recordings in the twilight.
Currently I make my success photos of the fish with a Canon EOS 450D + Canon EF-S 17-55mm / 2.8 IS USM Lens (; bildstabilisiert) and one tripod.
As one can see a wide angle lens that allows me, dazustellen the fish very large or in the foreground. Accordingly, for me the Nahaufnahmebereich Of particular importance, however, synonymous, it would be nice if I still have the opportunity as a distant swan on the water filming.
I've read that most camcorders Anglehaben no real wide, so I've almost resigned myself to have. There are indeed wide-angle converter, but would suffer even while the quality of the recording.
Another point is the battery, I have for long trips 12V power sources here, with which the battery could recharge. For me, only one device is synonymous with memory cards and internal memory in question may be synonymous with internal hard drive, but are supposed to be very costly. Where would we be at the next point of the price range. I am looking for a device that meets my requirements and provides a very good image quality. The main emphasis is naturally on the video mode, but if it is possible, the photo mode is not synonymous with also be running. I thought price s.500-1000 ¬.
So I have before my success photos / videos of the fish caught hold synonymous with the unit. The device should therefore synonymous mounted on a standard tripod and can hold Selbstaufnahme or timer functions. I think when the application would be a good autofocus of troubles!
I've heard that is needed for the finishing of the HD movies will be a disproportionately powerful calculator. I have not been (; change) under certain circumstances. However, I would even buy me a device that delivers the best image quality and maintain the quality synonymous with the archiving and the cutting of the films. I myself have a 32 "LCD (display; Television) s.den I connect the device and can play your movies.
As for the Tonrelevanz, it plays a minor role. I will add in 90% of the cases the shooting background music.
If I was to forget important points in a hurry, please just ask! I hope I get a feedback or assistance:)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

There you will find almost all the info you need, then you have to be taken questions meld ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von JonasB:

Polarizing filters to remember!
Antwort von Flankengott:

Hi B. DeKid,
I have read through the article again. However, the aforementioned Canon camcorder take on miniDV tape on which is not an obsolete storage media? I had thought more s.einen internal memory or memory cards.
Panasonic HDC-HS300 / Panasonic HDC-SD300 are covered for my application? What should we think of the Canon HF 20, according to the tests on this website, the camcorder performed well.
If Zebra and Histogram for automatic video films of all troubles? For perfect pictures, I actually use my SLR camera.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

So HF10 or HF 20 has AVCHD, dieserr codec can easily be processed only on new computers.
MiniDV is still quite good despite his age .... especially as regards post-processing and archiving, highly recommended.
Zebra and Histogram
So Zebra can be of benefit but actually received more in the interior, Histogram is need for the birds you really mind, perhaps later in Lightroom or Photoshop - in photos, videos for real or not then synonymous only in the later post-production talk color corrections.
Canon HV and HF are really good cams for a start.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Flankengott:

"The professional editing software of Apple's FinalCut Pro DV editing of AVCHD material in a different way. Already in the transfer of AVCHD material on a MacOS X-compatible computer is converted to the format in Apple ProRes 422 or Apple Intermediate. Although this claim on the storage media during the process a lot more space, but represents the utmost render times and it is possible to use synonymous material from other formats in the same project with too. " I did of Wikipedia. It is now the question of how powerful the Mac must be to allow the fluid editing.
Would you just because of the expense associated with AVCHD HV30 as more likely to advise or synonymous or because of other factors?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

The HV30 enjoys great popularity in the congregation, it is able to deliver great quality for really small money.
The cassettes can record on to capture after a single and (; pay for on your PC in real time, ie 1 takes about 1 aka 1h synonymous for 1 h and pay for shows about 13GB avi files) ..... simple in a Tupperware box in the safe storage (; Advancing read riegel synonymous's not forget)
The material after it was cut synonymous dub directly to a Mini DV cassette .... and synonymous store.
No clue so the HF Models are of course synonymous horny but somehow good for the HV series synonymous .... I would bet on HV. The material ranges 5 times to make it as a DVD s.Blinker send material to ... provided one makes the synonymous better than what the turn signal a partly .....(; DVD imposes on the turn signal in each issue of this subscription, and partly true grottig material)
Well ..... So as I said the Edit HR or HF can say that a system of about 400 euros at HV Dual Core Calculator extends fully from .... at the HF, it should be at about 600-700 but a quad core Calculator his ......
Severe alternatively, I perso. AGM would take.
Pol filter ... so you can be as similar to the pole with glasses by the reflecting surface of the water film is not wrong .... but it takes hardly any of us .... because before I direct the camera to the standing trout, da ne already flies to nymph swimming ..... then I'm after 3 min nen s.Haken the fish I can then filming cozy when he landed .... I do not need to umbedingt nen pole filter.
Although I once thought of it got filmed nen trip to the water but when I go I'm here to Mui ne little Olympus is quite sufficient, if I'm s.Wasser I want to fish and rest and do not have pictures and film aka ;-)
Purchase HV ne, ne EWA Marine bag and a set of UV and polarizing filters and a cheap tripod do not need ..... more .... Saenger has rausgebracht Waterproof Bags now ... da ne situation foam and clean all the material stored in it .... think that is more than adequate.
As in other nem thread already said I put on Petzl Duo with GuertelAkku what light bulb to normal .... As I have ne by Red Pear replaced .... so I can only switch once synonymous with red-light assembly at the AAI ne Ansitz without a "night-blind by the bright LEDs become sau.
Alla now think what can begin to decide to throw in order to coin it should be ;-)
B. DeKid
And remember "Catch and Release" is required, shi ** on the antiquated German law .... not all fish must be big fish in the pan and lay more eggs than small ones ;-) Dland is the only country in the world, the Catch And Release .... prohibit a great shame that a law!!
Except chub and catfish, which have to be heavily fished and cut off all these species we destroy the Native Fish Fauna, a must.
I donate every year at about 2000 euros for fish stocking and at about the same amount of Wildlife Hege, to see my children one time synonymous Bambi or a trout can ;-)
Please try to incorporate aspects sollche with in your videos is ne important message for all the young hunters and fishermen.
AND .... this year is not synonymous to catch eels when it is difficult but the eel is fish of the year and much of the threatened extinction .... PLEASE PLEASE hold off synonymous Ansitz if eel is really horny, but we need the stock again until secure building and and must not "run-exploitation"!
Soorrrryy because of the off topics, but when it comes to good stocks and so goes with me quickly by da gehts ;-)
If you have questions concerning whether you like hunting and fishing can contact me under bgdekid @ hotmail. en contact ... not the forum so that we can bring things with Müllen full. ;-)
.................................................. ...........
@ All
Please do not buy this year, no time ger & a
Antwort von actaion:

I would definitely a Camcorde rmit take AVCHD.
They are designed specifically for anglers - fishing video camcorder (; flood) sealing.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

* LoL * I've still never seen the AVHCD ;-)
Antwort von Flankengott:

do not worry, I'm an advocate of synonymous Catch & Fillet;) that can be caught by Bengel later still synonymous nen Dicken.
Back relating to:
So yes, the HV30 does not provide "full HD" resolution, which is our LCD synonymous only 720p. I'm really thinking and weigh in, I would like to have hold the newer model, but I'm sure even nen Apple Computer with Final Cut Pro need ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

NONSENSE Bloss not .... AVCHD can be wonderfully cut to one Apple QuadCore PC .... is this not of necessity.
I personally think Magics can now edit AVCHD, it's say one of the owners what to AVCHD .... nen MAC but need not intended to (;!!!).
B. DeKid
Antwort von Flankengott:

I have seen yesterday, the HV 30 for a mate, and the excellent image quality was quite impressive.
If there were, the HV 30 with a memory card, the device would be unbeatable. Unfortunately, there is not. I have not read that the 1440 x 1080 pixels, the HV 30 has a maximum resolution provides better quality picture than most AVCHD devices with 1920x1080. Accordingly, it is worthwhile for me, probably not a HF 10 / 20 to buy. Besides being synonymous, I do not have a quad-core PC or the like to manipulate the images to. HDV is also sufficient, but I still have concerns with regard to the mini-band, because everywhere in the game mechanics are, of course there are still synonymous wear and the drive is certainly not synonymous Tonneutral.
Another point, the HV30 is not even wide angle, but I would want to have those already. Can you recommend a particular converter / Pole!? Is there something like hoods for Camcroder or use it as a UV filter?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Wide Angleauch here often abbreviated called WW = Raynox
By giving up the ghost, the tape technology, it usually takes even a few head hours.
I guess it round about 1000 + hours.
Man kan synonymous, but a Fire doors s.The Cam doing there then jump over the Firewire interface, the video on HHD (; written to hard drive) .... only the Firestore costs (over the Cam; synonymous used).
B. DeKid
Antwort von Flankengott:

So I now own the HV30. However, to me the question is what video mode I want to record.
There is an HDV mode and one HDV25 mode + Cinema Mode.
One mode produces 50i and the other 25p. What is preferable for my application?
For me there is no quick "action" scenes and camera movements. When I am talking about picture quality and a film effect and not a holiday video;)
Antwort von pilskopf:

Simply try it out and compare. In 50i you can definitely stop producing slow motion.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Film Effects come to pass only if you aufpeppst the recordings later s.PC something.
For example, the colors of the sun Turn up a bit.
You're going to use 50i better than with any psydo Cinema mode ;-)
B. DeKid