Frage von maxi62:Is there an affordable HD camcorder, the real Angleund Wide Zoom has?
Price range 300 - 700 euro?
Antwort von Räuber:
Moin, so diekt s.der Camera 22mm you will achieve only if you use a camcorder that has interchangeable lenses and even then it will be difficult, the lenses of the XL 1 / 2 have only max. 24mm (I think the owner of such a camera there to know) provides a better decision. Otherwise, for example, remains only the SonyHDR FX-1000E with a Anfangsbrenweite of 29.5 mm. This Camera bummlig but it costs $ 3,000. Focal length of 22mm to your wish will you solve my opinion only a simple converter s.einer HD Camera or can you give out a small fortune.
Gruß, Stefan
Antwort von r.p.television:
Is there an affordable HD camcorder, the real Angleund Wide Zoom has?
Price range 300 - 700 euro? No.. The "affordable" have in general all have a Startbrenntweite KB based on the 42-46mm. Just bring your camcorder to the 3000 Euro Start with focal lengths of 32 to 28mm. 22mm does not exist with Festoptik.
Antwort von maxi62:
Real bad!
And what about those with Billigteilen, these flip-cameras with fixed focus, including gibts usable with proper 16:9 wide-angle?
Antwort von tommyb:
They've certainly no wide angle.
The cheaper it gets, the UN-wide-angle, it is usually.
Antwort von pilskopf:
Get ne Cam with a 0.5 x WW. If s.The 22mm. Respectively. I have the theory synonymous with me. If not now, because a conversion to come, I have not been observed. My input focal length is 42mm I believe. By WW So Converter 21mm.
Example: The vignette is artificial. In the original, I'm not.
Antwort von maxi62:
Did you Raynox HD5050 and a Panasonic SD10 fit together?
How does it then actually made if we use the zoom and wide angle converter is off, you can then use the?
I have no desire to screw as s.and turn to in Plastikgewinden (30mm) probably does not hold long.
Antwort von pilskopf:
The Raynox HD5050 is fully zoomable, whether he raugf fit, you have to look myself, I have a 37mm thread on the Cam and that goes perfectly with no converter. I think the Raynox Page gi bt is information with which cam you can use what.
On the other hand, the thing is screwed off in 3 seconds, relating to zoom.
Antwort von Zizi:
Video DSLRs?
There are 4.5mm no problem ^ ^
Antwort von alibaba:
ne is a better bridge the zoomable