Frage von Wolfgang Schumacher:I use the Pinnacle editing program version 12 with Windows XP. So far, I have my own videos in standard format and included cut and had no problems. Now I have bought myself a camcorder in the HD takes Fomat. The cutting of these videos may work but is so slow that it is a longer video with great difficulty.
My question now is:
Is this s.der version of Pinnacle s.meiner program or other hardware and software? If the latter more, what would you change?
Antwort von Yerri:
Is this s.der version of Pinnacle s.meiner program or other hardware and software? If the latter more, what would you change?
What Calculator do you have? And which camera? HDV or AVCHD files?
Antwort von Wolfgang Schumacher:
The data of the computer are: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.00 GHz, 2x1 GN DDR2 800 MHz SB.
The camera is a Panasonic HDC-SD300. The recordings are saved as AVCHD files
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Throw all times AVCHD clips into a new project and purely encode everything after MPEG2 HD with 35Mbps. Get it clean, this new file back into a new Project and leave the scene detection by content to run it. Now, with your calculator you will easily be able to edit this material.
Willste this procedure does not, then you'll have in a i7-860 DV editing PC investing with matching equipment to you because you bought a consumer camera with the s.schwierigsten have to edit video footage in the world. You do not need brute force in the calculator for that!
Antwort von Wolfgang Schumacher:
Thanks - tried it - it works. The only question is whether they have a Qualittätsverlust is connected
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
This Can not you see before you!
Antwort von Yerri:
AVCHD files are your calculator too weak. See here:
Should be So even a quad. Make it just as Bruno had written it. A quality loss is barely visible (I have it synonymous) so often handled.