Frage von pete1234:
hello once
I follow the forum recently and have already learned a lot,
many thanks.
my problem:
I am professionally in the next year for six months in Italy and would love to lead an online diary of my homepage and would like to put it in films of
dafüt film effects, I use the following:
- Motion for sunsets
- Tilt-shift effect
- Slow motion
- Ken burns effect
... Etc.
here an example of me
sequences to the long render times (for short to avoid), I wonder whether it makes sense to use instead of my panasonic sd66 an sd-cam?
are short sequences needed to convert my pc a long time because my future laptop is probably even longer need ...
and the nerves.
may therefore provide an sd-cam the same qualities as a film-hd-cam (in respect to sharpness, color, and user friendliness)?
I use:
sony vegas pro 9
panasonic sd66
magic bullet
laptop still unknown
I hope the information is precise enough ...
please reply to ...
lg pete
Antwort von Jott:

"May therefore provide an sd-cam the same qualities as a film-hd-cam?"
Hm this were so, why then should an HD Camera to be good?
Antwort von deti:

Maybe he should get yourself a better calculator?
Antwort von pete1234:

I posted here under the entry level and would like a serious answer ...
have the cam days since 4th
'd like some more info ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

What is that for NEN format or AVCHD codec I'll take time - then I would recommend to convert the material is then synonymous the cut faster.
For example, with or with Neoscene MPGStreamclip (as Avid DNxHD)
An SD Cam can not keep up, of course. What would be the proxy cut - this is the HD material eg in SD (DV) are converted and processed and at the very s.Schluss one then applies the effects and cuts on the HD material.
Quasi work with wildcards.
Thus, you have really only two options s.der hand.
to shoot in SD if I would not consider as a solution considered.
B. DeKid
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Pete1234
may therefore provide an sd-cam the same qualities as a film-hd-cam (in respect to sharpness, color and ease of use)?
Of course they can, it all depends on the final format.
So if you need only small sizes for a web application, you will notice no difference.
Antwort von pete1234:

thanks a constructive answer ...
'll check it out.
15 seconds / sequence and for 20 min render is too much.
I need so no hd quality.
The short film is enough quality to my claims entirely.
ask for an opinion that the quality (the resolution) As ...- link
lg pete