Frage von eploen:
Good day,
I work with the following equipment: SonyHDR-HC9 / Notebook with Adobe Premiere Pro 2 / small external hard drive for movie files or large external hard drive for archiving film / mini-DV tape for a finished movie.
I would like to continue with the above-described system to work next, because I'm with the above equipment along well and not have to upgrade to a more computer power would.
My Archvierung made from ADOBE Preniere Pro 2 out of the project manager as the "Projet", ie, so that I may at any time with the Premiere Project call back and edit. So I save in the format and Codex, which are used in Premiere for editing.
Thus, the finished film, I can play to premiere at all times in every possible format of Premiere and Cotex.
Just not as BlueRay CD. That does not make Premiere Pro 2.
1. Question: How can I now burn a BlueRay yet? With the purchase of a burner, I'm still waiting, so I can tailor the purchase to the solution. (I would like an external burner for notebook).
2. Question: If I archive a finished movie (not as "Project"), in what format, the Code would be optimal to properly archived for the future?
Thanks for any help
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Antwort von wolfgang:

You need an authoring tool containing - and a fairly inexpensive solution for authoring Blu Ray would be here:
The question is dependent on whether the used version of you is of Premiere Pro 2 is able to issue the material in a form suitable for Blu Ray. And whether the material would then be recalculated in this software, which would obviously be less great. That you ought to fix you look at - possibly with the available test version.