Frage von WWJD:Hi folks
Question: I work with Final Cut Pro 2.0 on a new iMac24. I have recently launched a growth HV20 and want to let you ask how I get a tube monitor can be connected as a preview (if ever?)
Thank you for your tips.
Antwort von videojoe:
1.) HV20 with firewire s.den mac to connect and play set
2.) tube TV camera connected s.die (s-video zb)
3.) fc video with start and marvel at the tv
there is an A / D converters the opportunity to go with the cam but synonymous.
Antwort von videojoe:
2.) tube TV camera connected s.die (s-video zb)
As because the HV20 does not have S-Video output. What do you mean exactly?
Antwort von PowerMac:
Or 19 "he Sperrmüll connect via VGA.
Antwort von videojoe:
But how ?????????
Some of the A / V connector for Kilinken monitor ??????
Antwort von PowerMac:
No, normally via DVI to VGA adapter.
Antwort von Carl Bernhard:
Thanks Powermac, I understood, but the statement under point score 2 "tube TV s.die Cam connect" I do not understand ....
Antwort von Axel:
Thanks Powermac, I understood, but the statement under point score 2 "tube TV s.die Cam connect" I do not understand .... Did not the Cam "video out (composite, the traditional yellow RCA)?
When a DV Camera-in has (have all of HDVs) and a video out, then she is de facto a D / A converter. You must include the Camera via Firewire s.deinen Mac, select the camera for "video output", and the s.geht Luzi.
A tubular device for HDV preview is my opinion only of limited use. The times have changed. There is no longer so terrible, many people with small 4:3 Flimmerkisten. Pal SD is the best outlet for downkonvertiertes HD, because it almost always looks class.
A better way (imho) an LCD monitor to monitor. The course you have a 24er with iMac, but if you cut a lot, is an external monitor better.
Antwort von Carl Bernhard:
Thank you Axel for your effort.
So I did as above described a Friewire I / O and an A / V output jack. As I understand, do I connect the cam via firewire s.Compi and at the same time do I monitor via a tube plug (between an RCA adapter) to. Is that so?
Gruss Sammjo
Antwort von Axel:
Is that so? Yeah. I so with DV material made. It could theoretically be a problem, if the TV is not set to "16:9" display is switchable (but then you realize that already).
I predict a wonderful picture. Why? The weaknesses you will better detect higher resolution.
Is different from the DVD authors, especially around the issues "Skip" and "Pal-colors." Because the tube is useful. And vice versa: What looks good on SD, is synonymous behind the plasma display well.
Antwort von Carl Bernhard:
Great, will give it a try .........
Thank you s.alle ;-)