Frage von masterkillmore:
I have been using for some time are HDVsplit to HDV tape recordings of the hard drive to copy, but now I have the problem that a well-known of the mistake I did look at all the new recordings just because I have a lot of gaps between clips. This is not the problem when feeding but if the material
play again on another tape will need to re-encode it forever.
Therefore, I wanted to ask the forum whether it is possible Native HDV clips together so that there is neither the quality nor the changes
the recorded camera data is lost (time, date, etc. ..). Only
for info, I use Sony Vegas Pro 9 and I know that there synonymous HDV material can be played back on tape again without compression. My concern is just the camera data.
Would be nice if someone could help
Antwort von Jitter:

I honestly do not quite understand where the problem lies. Actually you've already anticipated the solution: you import the HDV clips into your editing program and then give them as a contiguous file again. Whether on the hard drive or back onto HDV tape does not matter. The original image quality is erhlten while import and consistent output format.